Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, Russia, UN, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, World, ZIO-NAZI

Leaders of the civilised world fail the simple Humanity Test, BIG TIME – while closing ranks around adorable apartheid ‘Israel’

Stuart Littlewood writes: As I write, 14,500 murdered 7,000 buried under the rubble 35,000 wounded 1.5 million displaced their homeland devastated, livelihoods destroyed, heritage erased. And our politicians talk only of a four-day pause to the genocide!!! At Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in Parliament yesterday [22 November] Stephen Flynn (the Scottish National Party leader) asked what will happen after the temporary pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas: “At the end of four days, will we simply see a return to the killing of children in Gaza every 10 minutes, or will we in this House choose instead to back a permanent ceasefire?”Rishi Sunak replied: We will continue to work with the United States and Israel to ensure the safe return of ...
UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement Powers

UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement Powers

UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement PowersCassie B.,  Seymour Hersh: “It’s All Lies. The War Is Over. Russia Has Won.”Richard Abelson,  Turbo Cancer in Ages 18-24: College and University COVID-19 Vaccine-Mandated Students Developing Stage 4 CancersDr. William Makis,  Bombshell: NATO Says "War Started in 2014". "Fake Pretext" to Wage War Against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty?Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 26, 2023 Video: They Oblige You to Get the COVID Vaxx and You Get Injured! If this Doesn't Convince You, Nothing WillImBigBossNotSeanConnery,  The COVID-19 Crisis and the "Lethal Jab": Is It Ignorance and Corporate Greed? Or Is It the Globalists' "Depopulation" Agenda? The...
The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef)
Human Rights, Saudi Arabia, UN

The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef)

The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) said it was “grateful” to be working with Saudi Arabia on the same day activists raised concerns about a schoolgirl jailed by a notorious Riyadh court for 18 years for posting tweets in support of political prisoners. Hailing a “renewed chapter of collaboration”, Unicef last week announced the continuation of a partnership with the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), the Saudi government’s aid agency. “Unicef is grateful for our partnership with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and KSrelief, which has helped us to reach millions of children in need,” said Catherine Russell, Unicef’s executive director. Russell was commenting following a meeting on Friday with Abdullah Al Rabeeah, KSrelief’s supervisor general, at t...
UN official: ‘Israel trying to force Gazans into Egypt’
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, UN, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

UN official: ‘Israel trying to force Gazans into Egypt’

JEWISH TALMUD Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.” Refugee agency chief Philippe Lazzarini has accused West Jerusalem of seeking to drive Palestinians out of their homeland Palestinians line up for flour distributed by the UN refugee agency on Thursday in Deir Al Balah, Gaza. ©  Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images The Nazi Forces (NF) are setting the stage for the mass expulsion of Palestinians into Egypt while creating conditions that will make it impossible for them to ever return to their destroyed homes in Gaza, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency chief has claimed. “The United Nations and several member states, including the US, have firmly rejected forcibly displacing Gazans ...
Disgraced ex-UN official takes over Red Cross
Human Rights, UN

Disgraced ex-UN official takes over Red Cross

Pierre Krahenbuhl was accused of using the organization's money to take his married girlfriend traveling Pierre Krahenbuhl gives a press conference in Gaza City, May 23, 2019 ©  AFP / Mohammed Abed The Red Cross announced on Friday that the disgraced former head of the UN's agency for Palestine, Pierre Krahenbuhl, will take over as director-general of the organization. Krahenbuhl was ousted from the middle-eastern role amid allegations of sexual misconduct, nepotism, and other abuses of authority. “The Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has appointed Pierre Krahenbuhl as the organization’s next director-general,” it said in a statement. “He is recognized as a strategic and purpose-driven leader with deep organizationa...
UN: Hundreds Killed as Gaza Communications Blackout Continues
Gaza, Holocaust, Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, UN, United Kingdom, USA, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

UN: Hundreds Killed as Gaza Communications Blackout Continues

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: The shutdown of telecommunications and internet services in Gaza, which started on 14 December, continues as of midnight on 16 December. This marks the fifth blackout since 7 October. As a result, this Flash Update provides limited updated information about the humanitarian situation in Gaza over the past 24 hours. On 16 December, heavy Israeli bombardments from air, land, and sea across Gaza continued, with the most intense airstrikes reported in Khan Younis, in the south, and Ash Shuja’iyeh, At Tuffah and Ad Darraj areas of Gaza city. Intense ground operations and fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups continued on 16 December, esp...
A Resounding Rejection of Nuclearism at the UN

A Resounding Rejection of Nuclearism at the UN

BY TOM UNTERRAINER The Meeting of States Parties 2 to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons declared a full-frontal rejection of ‘nuclearism’ and a challenge to the nuclear-armed world. Photo: ICAN. The non-nuclear majority met in New York between 27 November and 1 December for the Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). This coming together was not simply ‘non-nuclear’ but decidedly anti-nuclear in outlook and approach. The TPNW represents many things: a ‘work in progress’, a part of international law, a mechanism for the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons and similar. What it represents politically, at the time of coming into force and since, is a full-frontal rejection of ‘nuclearism’ and a challenge...
Zionism a form of Racism
Palestine Affairs, UN, ZIO-NAZI

Zionism a form of Racism

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 UN General AssemblyResolution 3379Date10 November 1975Meeting no.2400CodeA/RES/3379 (Document)SubjectElimination of all forms of racial discriminationVoting summary72 voted for35 voted against32 abstainedResultAdopted and later revoked United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". It was revoked in 1991 with UN General Assembly Resolution 46/86.[1] The vote on Resolution 3379 took place approximately one year after UNGA 3237 granted the PLO Permanent Observer status, following PLO president Yasser Arafat's "olive b...
An Updated List of Vetoes Cast by the United States to Shield ‘Israel’ from Criticism by the U.N. Security Council

An Updated List of Vetoes Cast by the United States to Shield ‘Israel’ from Criticism by the U.N. Security Council

Special Report By Donald Neff Prior to the Nixon administration, the United States had never employed its veto power in the U.N. Security Council. It was first used March 17, 1970 over Southern Rhodesia. The second U.S. veto came two years later, when Washington sought to protect Israel from a resolution condemning Israel for one of its attacks on its neighbors. Since then, the United States has cast its veto a total of 39 times to shield Israel from Security Council draft resolutions that condemned, deplored, denounced, demanded, affirmed, endorsed, called on and urged Israel to obey the world body. Sept. 10, 1972—Condemned Israel’s attacks against Southern Lebanon and Syria; vote: 13 to 1, with 1 abstention July 26, 1973—Affirmed the rights of the Palestinian people to ...