Palestine Affairs, UN, ZIO-NAZI

UN Resolution 2334 is good for I$raHell

NOVANEWS UN Resolution 2334 is good for Israel By Gilad Atzmon  It is the Israelis who don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. On 23 December the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) voted to adopt a resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity as illegal, and demanding that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem”. For once, the USA decided to join the rest of humanity and didn’t veto the resolution.  The message is obvious: if Zionism was a promise to make the Jews people like other people, its failure is colossal. The Jewish State and its lobbies are people like no other. 14 out of 15 members of the UNSC voted against Israel, the US abstained. In the most clear terms, the UNS...

UN Security Council Seats Taken by Arms Exporters

NOVANEWS By Lyndal Rowlands Nine of the world's top ten arms exporters will sit on the UN Security Council between mid-2016 and mid-2018. The nine include four rotating members -- Spain, Ukraine, Italy and the Netherlands -- from Europe, as well as the council's five permanent members -- China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. According to 2015 data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), these nine countries make up the world's top ten exporters of arms. Germany ranked at number 5, is the only top 10 exporter which is not a recent, current or prospective member of the 15-member council. However, Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher in the Arms and Military Expenditure Programme at SIPRI told IPS that he was not "surprised at all" t...
Palestine Affairs, UN, ZIO-NAZI

Naziyahu Cancels Ukrainian PM’s Visit to ‘Israel’ Over Security Council Vote

NOVANEWS The decision was made in light of Ukraine's vote in favor of a resolution condemning Jewish Nazi illegal settlements, senior Nazi official says. Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Groysman addresses deputies at the parliament in Kiev, Ukraine before being voted in as the new prime minister on April 14, 2016. Valyntyn Ogirenko, Reuters Benjamin Naziyahu has decided to cancel a visit by Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, who was scheduled to arrive in the Nazi state of 'Israel' in the coming week. A senior Nazi official in Jerusalem noted that the decision was taken in light of Ukraine's vote in favor of Friday's United Nations Security Council resolution critical of the Nazi regime illegal Jewish settlement policy. Naziyahu addressed the UN resolution on Saturday e...
Russia, Syria, UN

Conflict instigators must foot humanitarian crises bills – Russian Emergencies Minister to UN

NOVANEWS RT  The head of Russia’s Emergencies Ministry has proposed a new economic model of humanitarian assistance and reparation payments to victims of war zones, recommending that initiators of conflict pay for the destruction and suffering caused by their policies. “The Russian Federation proposes to build a new economic model of international humanitarian aid,” Vladimir Puchkov told the UN General Assembly in New York. The model is quite simple, according to Puchkov, who said that nations which initiate, incite and sponsor conflicts in other states should be “obliged to bear primary responsibility, including financial” for providing aid to refugees and persons internally displaced as a result. The need to create a new mechanism arises from the lack of funding for international huma...
Haiti, UN

The United Nations’ “Incomplete Apology” to Haiti

NOVANEWS By Kim Ives Global Research   United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who will step down at the end of this month, made his most explicit apology yet for the UN’s role and responsibility in Haiti’s cholera epidemic, the world’s worst. However, in his ballyhooed Dec. 1 address to the UN General Assembly, Ban stopped short of admitting that UN soldiers militarily occupying Haiti since 2004 introduced the deadly bacterial disease into the country in 2010. “On behalf of the United Nations, I want to say very clearly: we apologize to the Haitian people,” Ban said in the nugget of his long speech in French, English, and Kreyòl. “We simply did not do enough with regard to the cholera outbreak and its spread in Haiti. We are profoundly sorry for our role.” UN Special R...
Health, UN

UN General Assembly Recognises Health Risks from Depleted Uranium

NOVANEWS By International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons The UN General Assembly has backed a new resolution on DU weapons by 151 votes to 4. The resolution, which highlights the ongoing concerns of affected states and communities, health experts and civil society over the potential health risks from DU exposure, is the sixth to be adopted since 2007. The text also recognises that countries affected by the use of DU weapons face considerable technical and financial barriers in dealing with DU contamination to internationally recognised radiation protection standards. “While we welcome the fact that governments have finally acknowledged that those affected by the use of DU weapons have serious concerns over the risks they pose, we have seen little to suggest that states are...
Syria, UN

Russia, China Block UN Security Council Resolution on Aleppo Truce

NOVANEWS Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr   Russia and China have vetoed a UN Security Council resolution which would have mandated a seven-day ceasefire in Syria’s Aleppo. On Monday, Russia stated that a truce would only permit the militants to regroup and that the subject requires further talks between Moscow and Washington. The resolution, drafted by New Zealand, Egypt and Spain, was also blocked by Venezuela, while Angola abstained from voting with the remaining 11 members voting in its favor. “These kinds of pauses have been used by fighters to reinforce their ammunition and to strengthen their positions and this will only worsen the suffering of civilians,” said Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s permanent envoy to the UN. “The draft resolution contradicts the work of the Council becaus...
Syria, UN

UN Must Name Terrorists Responsible for Killing Civilians in Syria 

NOVANEWS Sputnik  The United Nations must name those responsible for civilian killings among the ranks of the Syrian Army, but also among the terrorists fighting in Syria as well, Russian Deputy Ambassador to United Nations Vladimir Safronkov said at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday. Earlier during the discussion, US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power named Syrian commanders whom the US government considers guilty of killing civilians and said they would be held accountable for their actions. “You went as far as naming Syrian commanders and generals. But if you claim is to be unbiased, why don’t we hear the names of the terrorists as well? Who will deal with them?” Safronkov stated. Sofronikov also noted that the UN Security Council must not be hypocritical o...
Russia, Syria, UN

Russia reacts to UN aid chief’s Aleppo ‘kill zone’ remarks

NOVANEWS Stephen O'Brien Press TV  Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin has accused the United Nations aid chief of arrogance and bias after he told the UN Security Council that Russian and Syrian airstrikes have turned Aleppo into a “kill zone.” During a Wednesday Security Council meeting, Churkin accused Stephen O’Brien of making “arrogant” and “outrageous” remarks and failing to recognize that Russia and Syria have been observing a humanitarian pause, which has been in place for the last eight days. “The moratorium on flights has been in place for eight days. Give us at least one proof or leave those narratives for a romance you would probably write later,” he said. “If we needed to be preached to, we would go to a church,” the Russian envoy added. On Tuesday, Russia announced pla...