West Bank

Two Detainees Continue Hunger Strike In Nazi camp
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Two Detainees Continue Hunger Strike In Nazi camp

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that two detainees, imprisoned by the Nazi army, are ongoing with hunger strike despite deteriorating health conditions, protesting their ongoing arbitrary Administrative Detention, without charges or trial. The two detainees are Emad Sawarka, 37, from Jericho, and journalist Ala’ Rimawi, 43, from Ramallah, in the Nazi occupied West Bank. The PPS stated that Sawarka started his hunger strike 49 days ago, and is currently at the Ramla prison clinic, which lacks adequate equipment and specialists after he was transferred from solitary confinement in Asqalan prison. It added that Sawarka is facing serious complications but is ongoing with the strike despite the Nazi rejection of his demands. He lost a lot of weight and is una...
PPS: “Israeli Soldiers Abduct Seventeen Palestinians In West Bank”
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

PPS: “Israeli Soldiers Abduct Seventeen Palestinians In West Bank”

Israeli soldiers abducted, earlier Wednesday, at least seventeen Palestinians from their homes in several parts of the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital, Jerusalem, during massive and violent searches of homes and buildings, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has confirmed. The PPS said the soldiers continued the siege and ongoing invasions of homes and property in Aqraba town, southeast of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, causing serious damage, and abducted a woman, identified as Amal Bani Minya. The soldiers also surrounded lands and an agricultural structure in the al-Qit’a area, in Aqraba, and detonated one of its walls. In addition, the army started using loudspeakers to demand many Palestinians to turn themselves in. It is worth mentioni...
Nazi army Abducts Six Palestinians
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi army Abducts Six Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted, on Wednesday at dawn, six Palestinians, including five former political prisoners, in Hebron governorate, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, after the army invaded and ransacked many homes. Media sources in Hebron said the soldiers abducted Fadi Amro, a candidate for the Palestinian Legislative Council, in addition to a former political prisoner, identified as Monther Zouna, from their homes in Doura town, southwest of Hebron. The Nazi soldiers also invaded Ethna town, west of Hebron, searched homes, and abducted two former political prisoners, identified as Omar Nattah, 38, and Ziad Odah. In Yatta town, south of Hebron, the Nazi soldiers abducted a former political prisoner, identified as Samir Bheiss, from his home. Another former pol...
Nazi soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Abduct Five Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted, Wednesday, five Palestinians from their homes in Hizma town, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Media sources said several army jeeps invaded the town before the soldiers broke into and ransacked many homes, causing damage. They added that the soldiers abducted two former political prisoners, identified as Mohammad Wahid Khatib, 22, and Mahdi Hussein Salahuddin, 18, in addition to Abdullah Morad Khatib, 17, Ezz Osama Salahuddin, 18, Salah Osama Salahuddin, 16. During the invasion and searches of homes, the Nazi soldiers interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards, and installed military roadblocks.
Nazi soldiers Abduct Sixteen Palestinians In West Bank
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Abduct Sixteen Palestinians In West Bank

Nazi soldiers abducted, on Tuesday at dawn, sixteen Palestinians from several parts of the occupied West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, mainly during massive and violent searches of homes. Media sources in Qalqilia, in northern West Bank, said the soldiers abducted a Palestinian medic, identified as Abdul-Rahman Mansour, after stopping him at a military roadblock, which was installed by the army near the eastern entrance of the city. In Ramallah, in central West Bank, the soldiers abducted Ahmad Sahel and Fadi Zeebar, from their homes. In Hebron, in southern West Bank, Nazi soldiers abducted Humam Omar Zabaniya, from Tarqoumia town, northwest of Hebron, Rashed Mousa Sleibi, 24, from Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, and Omar Ali al-Heeh, from Surif town, northwest of the city...
Nazi army Attacks Nonviolent Protesters
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank

Nazi army Attacks Nonviolent Protesters

Nazi soldiers attacked, Friday, dozens of nonviolent Palestinian protesters, including elders, in the Ein al-Baida area, where the army is trying to illegally annex Palestinian lands, southeast of Yatta town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron. Fuad al-‘Amour, the coordinator of the Protection and Steadfastness Committees in southern Hebron, said dozens of Palestinians performed noon prayers on their threatened lands, where the illegal Nazi Jewish colonialist settlers are planning to build barns and farms for their livestock, near Ma’on and Karmiel colonies, built on stolen Palestinian lands. Al-‘Amour added that the protesters carried Palestinian flags and chanted for ending the illegal Nazi Jewish occupations, its colonies, and escalating violations. The Palesti...
Nazi soldiers Abduct Six Palestinians
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Abduct Six Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted, Wednesday, at least six Palestinians, including one journalist, from their homes in several parts of the Nazi occupied West Bank. Media sources said Nazi soldiers abducted a journalist, identified as Ala’ Rimawi, 43, from his home in Beit Rima town, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah. Al-Rimawi is a veteran journalist and the director of J-Media, a Palestinian media organization that specializes in producing videos, photography, and live broadcasting services for Palestinian events. The abducted journalist’s wife said her husband declared a hunger strike the moment the soldiers abducted him, protesting his detention and the constant Nazi violations against the reporters and the media outlets. In occupied Jerusalem, the Nazi soldiers inv...
Nazi soldiers Abduct Two Palestinians
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Abduct Two Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted, Wednesday, two Palestinians from their homes in the Hebron governorate, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank. Media sources in Hebron said the Nazi soldiers abducted a former political prisoner, identified as Nidal Omran Qawasmi, after storming and ransacking his home in the city. They added that the soldiers also invaded Yatta town, south of Hebron, and broke into several homes before abducting Mohammad Ali Jabour. In related news, the soldiers abducted Ala’ Rimawi, 43, the director of a Palestinian media and news agency, from his home in Beit Rima town, north of Ramallah, in central West Bank.
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI


Ramallah, October 19, 2020—Wael Tahan, a 47-year-old Palestinian truck driver, built his home in 1992 on his own land in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. In mid-August, he watched Israeli bulldozers demolish that home. “My children always ask me why the house was demolished, what we are going to do, and how long this will go on, and I honestly do not have any answer.”  Despite the growing number of cases of COVID-19 in Israel and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, Israeli authorities have accelerated the demolition of Palestinian homes in 2020. Tahan’s family is among the 278 people, including 141 children, displaced by Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem this year, according to B’Tselem.  Tahan, who has 11 children i...
Nazi Gestapo rearrests Palestinian detainee
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Gestapo rearrests Palestinian detainee

After 20 years in jail, Shin Bet rearrests Palestinian detaineePrisoner Imad al-Batran enters day 38 of his hunger strikeMishaal: Releasing Palestinian prisoners is our priorityPrisoner Abu Rayan to go on hunger strikeNazi court jails Palestinian young girl for 16 months Nazi occupied JERUSALEM- The Nazi occupation intelligence, Shin Bet, on Monday morning rearrested Jerusalemite prisoner Majd Barbar immediately after he was released from the Nazi camp in Negev. According to Asra Media Office, the Nazi Gestapo 'Shin Bet' intelligence apparatus rearrested Barbar after he completed his 20-year prison term and left the Nazi camp in Negev. Nazi Gestapo 'Shin Bet' also transferred Barbar to the Moskobiya Nazi detention center in west Jerusalem for interrogation and summoned his br...