West Bank

Nazi Army Attack Palestinian Civilians in Sheikh Jarrah & Jerusalem Old City
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Army Attack Palestinian Civilians in Sheikh Jarrah & Jerusalem Old City

Early Monday morning, a group of Nazi Jewish paramilitary settlers and two right-wing Knesset (Parliament) members invaded the besieged Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, accompanied by a battalion of Israeli military troops. The Nazi soldiers assaulted Palestinian residents and solidarity activists who have been in the neighborhood for the past week attempting to protect it from being demolished by Israeli authorities. Eyewitnesses reported that Nazi forces and police accompanied the paramilitary Nazi Jewish settlers and Nazi right-wing Knesset members, who have repeatedly voiced their objective of cleansing the neighborhood of its Palestinian residents in order to move Nazi into the area. The Nazi Jewish settlers and troops then attacked the Palestinians...
Nazi Soldiers Injure 305 Palestinians, Seven Seriously, In Al-Aqsa”
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Soldiers Injure 305 Palestinians, Seven Seriously, In Al-Aqsa”

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has confirmed that its medics provided treatment to at least 305 Palestinians, including seven who suffered serious wounds, and thirteen who were shot in the head, face, and eyes, during the Nazi military invasion into Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. The invasion also led to excessive damage and a fire in the al-Qibli mosque in the Al-Aqsa compound. Medic Ahmad Dweikat The PRCS said the soldiers obstructed the work of its medics, in addition to assaulting and injuring many of them, and shot a medic, identified as Ahmad Dweikat, from Nablus, with a rubber-coated steel bullet under his eye while he was helping injured Palestinians in Al-Aqsa. The PRCS added that the Nazi soldiers deliberately targeted its medics with gas bombs a...
Nazi military aggression in Jerusalem continues
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi military aggression in Jerusalem continues

Monday: Israeli military aggression in Jerusalem continues, medics denied access IF AMERICANS KNEW During the holiest days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israeli soldiers invaded Jerusalem’s holiest Muslim site, attacking worshipers. The Israeli military continued its aggression toward Palestinians in Jerusalem by invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque, shooting and beating worshipers, blocking medics who tried to assist the injured, and causing damage to the Muslim holy site – all so that Israeli settlers could enter the area.                    adapted from posts on International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC), May 10, 2021 Israeli soldiers invaded, on Monday morning, the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in occ...
Gaza: Nazi Army Attacks Palestinian Farmers, Fishermen
Gaza, Human Rights, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Gaza: Nazi Army Attacks Palestinian Farmers, Fishermen

Nazi soldiers fired, Saturday, many live rounds and concussion grenades at Palestinian farmers near Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, while Israeli navy ships attacked fishing boats near Gaza city. Media sources said the soldiers fired many live rounds and concussion grenades into Palestinian lands, close to the perimeter fence, east of Khan Younis. The attack did not lead to casualties but forced the Palestinian farmers to leave their lands in fear of further escalation. In addition, Nazi navy ships attacked Palestinian fishing boats with live fire and water cannons, only three nautical miles from the shore in the Sudaniyya area, west of Gaza city. Eyewitnesses said the attack caused damage to at least one boat and forced the Palestinians back to the sh...
Nazi Soldiers Injure Dozens In Hebron
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Soldiers Injure Dozens In Hebron

Nazi soldiers injured, on Sunday at night, dozens of Palestinians in the al-‘Arroub refugee camp and the at-Tiwana village in Masafer Yatta area, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron. Media sources said the soldiers invaded the al-Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and the at-Tiwana village, east of Yatta town south of Hebron, and fired several gas bombs and concussion grenades at Palestinians who protested the invasion, in addition to many surrounding homes. One of the injured Palestinians is a young woman, Lialy Saber al-Hreini, who suffered injuries to her arm when the soldiers fired concussion grenades at her and a few other young women who were walking with her. The Nazi attacks led to dozens of injuries, most of them due to the severe effects of tear gas inha...
Nazi Army Abducts Young Man, Woman
Human Rights, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Army Abducts Young Man, Woman

Nazi soldiers abducted, Friday, a young man, and a young woman in Hebron city, in the southern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank. Eyewitnesses said the soldiers abducted a young woman, identified as Abeer Mohammad Rajabi, 27, near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. In addition, several army jeeps invaded the al-‘Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, searched homes, and abducted a young man, identified as Habib Aziz Awlad Issa. Furthermore, the soldiers installed roadblocks in several areas of Hebron, especially at the northern entrance of the city, in addition to the roads leading to several nearby towns.
Nazi soldiers Kill Two Palestinians
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Kill Two Palestinians

Nazi soldiers killed, on Friday morning, two Palestinians, and seriously injured a third, near the Salem Nazi military roadblock, close to the northern West Bank city of Jenin; the army claimed the Palestinians fired live rounds at the soldiers and were killed in the ensuing exchange of fire. Zionist media sources said the exchange of fire took place at a bus stop near the Salem colonialist outpost, outside the Salem military base. They added that the Palestinians allegedly used improvised Carl Gustave rifles (known as Carlo) in the attack, before they were shot and killed, and stated that the incident did not lead to injuries among the Nazi soldiers. Following the shooting, Palestinian ambulances rushed to the scene, but the Nazi soldiers did not allow them to reach the Pale...
Nazi soldiers Take Measurements Of Home In Preparation For Demolishing It Near Ramallah
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi soldiers Take Measurements Of Home In Preparation For Demolishing It Near Ramallah

A large Nazi military force invaded, on Friday at dawn, Turmus Ayya town, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, before storming the home of a Palestinian detainee, suspected of killing an Nazi Jewish settler, last Sunday, and took measurements of the property in preparation for demolishing it. Montaser Shalabi Media sources said the Nazi soldiers surrounded the home of Montaser Shalabi, 47, who is believed to be behind the fatal shooting that led to the death of the Nazi Jewish colonialist settler, identified as Yehuda Guetta, 19, and detained his entire family in one room, before ransacking the property and taking measurements in preparation for detonating it. During the invasion, the Nazi soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, an...
US asks the Nazi regime to ‘deescalate’ tensions
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

US asks the Nazi regime to ‘deescalate’ tensions

US asks 'Israel' to ‘deescalate’ tensions in occupied al-Quds By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor  …from PressTV, Tehran [ Editor’s Note: This statement has not come from anyone high up enough to get Israel’s attention. Biden continues to think he can issue platitudes, but when you have backed down a hundred times with a press statement platitude, Israel will never respond unless it has teeth in it. That would require sanctions on Israel which the US has categorically taken of the table with its endless pledges to support the Israelis who are the terror of the region. The whole exercise is a theatrical US debasement of itself. The current US conditions in the Iran talks show a different strategy. Iran, the harmed party, is asked to pick up the mantle of...
Two Detainees Continue Hunger Strike In Nazi camp
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Two Detainees Continue Hunger Strike In Nazi camp

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that two detainees, imprisoned by the Nazi army, are ongoing with hunger strike despite deteriorating health conditions, protesting their ongoing arbitrary Administrative Detention, without charges or trial. The two detainees are Emad Sawarka, 37, from Jericho, and journalist Ala’ Rimawi, 43, from Ramallah, in the Nazi occupied West Bank. The PPS stated that Sawarka started his hunger strike 49 days ago, and is currently at the Ramla prison clinic, which lacks adequate equipment and specialists after he was transferred from solitary confinement in Asqalan prison. It added that Sawarka is facing serious complications but is ongoing with the strike despite the Nazi rejection of his demands. He lost a lot of weight and is una...