West Bank

Gaza, Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Gestapo killed 3,000 Palestinian children since 2000

Nazi forces arresting a Palestinian child Nazi has killed more than 3,000 children since 28 September 2000 when the Second Intifada began until the end of April 2017, a new report has found. The Palestinian Ministry of Information said in a report released ahead of Children’s Day that the Nazi forces have injured more than 13,000 children and arrested more than 12,000 others, and continues to hold 300 children in its prisons. The report published yesterday said that 95 per cent of children were tortured and assaulted during their detention. On average, the report said, Nazi forces arrest nearly 700 children annually, but this has increased since the start of the Jerusalem Intifada in October 2015. Nearly 2,000 children were arrested between October 2015 and November 2016. Th...
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Palestine: Ala’ Nafeth Wahdan killed by Nazi Gestapo

Ala’ Nafeth Wahdan, 28, was shot and killed by Nazi Gestapo at Qalandia checkpoint near Jerusalem. Nazi sources have confirmed that the wounded Palestinian woman, who was shot by the soldiers after an alleged stabbing attempt, later died from her injuries. The slain Palestinian woman was later identified as Ala’ Nafeth Wahdan, 28, from Qalandia refugee camp. After she was shot, she was left bleeding for a long. Zionist daily Haaretz has reported that the Nazi saw the woman and ordered her to stop, “but she did not heed to their commands, and pulled out a knife before the soldiers shot her. Following the incident, the Nazi soldiers closed the terminal and maced many Palestinians with pepper-spray while trying to remove them from the area. A video filmed by a Palestinian bys...
Palestine Affairs, USA, West Bank

Palestinians Say No to US embassy Brainwashing program for Youth in Ramallah

Not us, no thanks! August 19, 2019 RAMALLAH, Monday, August 19, 2019, (WAFA) – Palestinians foiled an attempt by the US embassy in Israel to hold a meeting for Palestinian youth in the West Bank city of Ramallah after the hotel where the meeting was supposed to take place has informed the embassy that it cannot host it, today said Issam Baker, coordinator of the National Forces in Ramallah. The National Forces, a coalition of political factions in the occupied territories, and Fatah movement came out strong against holding the meeting sponsored by the US-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) planned for Wednesday, urging invitees to boycott it. Baker said the Grand Park Hotel management, venue of the meeting, has informed the US embassy that it will not be able to host the ...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

In Hebron, Tlaib and Omar would have seen Israel's apartheid city

Had Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar been allowed to visit Hebron, they would have seen Israel’s official policy of discrimination and segregation for the city’s 215,000 Palestinian residents. By Avner Gvaryahu Israeli soldiers arrest a Palestinian man during a raid on the West Bank city of Hebron, September 20, 2017. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90) Outside the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron lies a beautiful leafy garden. In it stands a large stone with the names of the donors – Chicago Friends of Hebron. Even if U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib had not been barred from visiting the occupied territories earlier this month, Breaking the Silence, an Israeli organization comprised of former IDF soldiers working to expose the realities of military oc...
Gaza, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime running own ‘Auschwitz in Palestinian cities

We have to ask ourselves where this youth of ours [children of foreign immigrants] emerged from; young people who had no mental inhibitions about committing this atrocity? What inner motivation for such acts could have been at work here? This youth is not a mob but the product of  anti-Semitic Zionist, humanist social education. Antisemitism: Zionist schoolgirls writing messages on artillery shells about to be fired into Lebanon during Nazi Holocaust 2006 assault that killed more than 1,200 Lebanese civilians and devastated much of the country. [admin: I don’t dismiss Chomsky as a gatekeeper because he avoids to discuss the topic of 9/11. He explained that sometimes they (those in his field) have to leave certain things out. Like a ‘select your battles’, kind of thing. If you ...
Gaza, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi occupation arrested 15 Palestinians, including school children

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr The Nazi occupation forces launched a campaign of arrests in several cities in the occupied West Bank targeting 15 Palestinians at dawn on Monday. Local sources said that the Nazi occupation forces opened fire on Palestinians in the town of Beit Rima northwest of Ramallah, wounding a student with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the neck. The Nazi occupation forces also arrested three children while they were going to their schools during the raid, and arrested six young men from Silwad and Al-Mazra'a east of Ramallah. According to local sources, the Nazi occupation forces arrested Khalil Hassan Hamed, Mousa Yasser Al-Najjar, Noman Saleh Hamed, Mohammed Lotfi Hamed and Mohammed Yasser Hamed after they raided and searched their homes in Silwad. Also in Rama...
Gaza, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Palestine: Clashes near the "Bethel" and marches in several cities in anger to the martyrdom Sayeh

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr Violent clashes erupted between dozens of Palestinian youths and Nazi soldiers at the northern entrance to Al-Bireh near the Beit El checkpoint. Students angry at the martyrdom of Bassam al-Sayeh ignited rubber tires and threw stones at Nazi soldiers as they arrived at the checkpoint. In the context, the Palestinian security services prevented dozens from going to the northern entrance of the beer by setting up a human barrier from the security services. In Nablus, dozens of people took part in a rage and condemnation of the killing of Bassam al-Sayeh through Nazi medical negligence, and the solidarity of sick prisoners in the Israeli jails  . The prisoner Bassam Sayeh was martyred on Sunday, inside the hospital, "Assaf Harovi" martyr Sayeh was suffering ...
Gaza, Human Rights, Middle East, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

The prisoner Hassan Salameh laments the martyr Sayeh with an influential message

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr The prisoner in the Nazi camp Hassan Salameh mentioned the death of his companion in the families of the martyr Bassam al-Sayeh, with an impressive message from his Nazi camp after the death of his companion in light of the neglect of the prisoners. Salameh talked about the condition of the martyrs of the captive movement who leave without any movement from one of the prisoners "Bassam moved to his mercy and became the martyr No. 221; It was a number and died a number, will the world rise and sit and boil the earth and froth and lightning the sky and thunder !! The prisoner Hassan Salameh did not hide his resentment and sadness about the situation in which the prisoners and those who leave them are treated. In your prison we do not hear or see We have only a ...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi Army Abducts Five Palestinians In West Bank

NOVANEWS Nazi soldiers abducted, on Monday at dawn, five young Palestinian men from their homes, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported. The PPS office in Hebron, in southern West Bank, said several army jeeps invaded the al-‘Arroub refugee camp, before the soldiers searched homes and abducted Hamza Bassam Jawabra, 19, and Ezzeddin al-Hoor, 19. In Bethlehem, the soldiers searched homes in Teqoua’ and Harmala towns, and abducted Tareq Adel Atallah, and Ahmad Adel al-‘Amour, 19. In Ramallah, in central West Bank, the soldiers also searched homes and abducted a former political prisoner, identified as Rami Fadayel, who previously spent several years in Israeli prisons and detention center.
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Bethlehem to be Surrounded by Jewish Settlement

NOVANEWS The Israeli occupation government has put forth a plan for a new neighborhood that would expand the settlement of Efrat toward Bethlehem, Haaretz paper reported Tuesday. The paper reported, according to Al Ray, that the government allocated about 1,200 dunams (300 acres) for the plan. The neighborhood is expected to expand the built-up area in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc up to the southern outskirts of the Palestinian city, in a manner that would surround Bethlehem with settlements. Israeli Civil Administration allocated the area to the Housing Ministry at the end of last month, a step that will enable the beginning of the active planning of the neighborhood called Givat Eitam (Eitam Hill). The hill is in Efrat’s area of jurisdiction, but on the eastern side of the separat...