West Bank

Palestine Affairs, West Bank

Abuses against Journalists by Zionist Traitors Ab-a$$ Security Forces

NOVANEWS A Palestinian man sells newspapers in front of his shop in the Gaza strip in 2007. Hamas has since banned the Al-Ayyam daily, pictured on the lower rack. No News is Good News This report documents cases in which security forces tortured, beat, and arbitrarily detained journalists, confiscated their equipment, and barred them from leaving the West Bank and Gaza. West Bank/Gaza: Stop Harassing Journalists Rise in Attacks, Detentions by Palestinian Security Services Palestinian security forces are becoming notorious for assaulting and intimidating journalists who are just trying to do their jobs. Both the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza need to end these blatant attacks on free expression. Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director (Ramalla...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

West Bank Palestinians die in fresh clashes

NOVANEWS Four killed near Hebron and Nablus on Friday as worst spate of West Bank protests in years continues for second day. Israeli policemen arrest a Palestinian during clashes following Friday prayers in East Jerusalem [AFP] Four Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, a day after mass protests over Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip which has killed more than 800 people. In the first shooting on Friday in Hawara, near Nablus, an Israeli settler shot dead an 18-year-old and injured three other Palestinians, sources told Al Jazeera. Two hours later at the same protest Israeli soldiers open fire, killing a 22-year-old. Two other Palestinians were shot dead by Isr...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Video: Night raid in Bethlehem’s Aida Refugee Camp

NOVANEWS Adam Horowitz  The news is rightfully focused on Gaza right now, but that doesn’t mean life is quiet in the West Bank. The video above was shot by Kelly Lynn last night in Bethlehem’s Aida Refugee Camp. Here’s the description: Israeli Defense Forces raid Bethlehem’s Aida Refugee Camp early in the morning on July 21st, 2014. Soldiers arrested 3 young men and assaulted several others. They confiscated footage from that night’s clashes in Bethlehem from journalist Mohammed Al Azza, briefly detained him and assaulted him and his two younger brothers. A father in the camp attempts twice to visit his brother’s home being raided by soldiers in an effort to see his son, and is denied violently by IDF. Screams can be heard in the streets as gunfire and sound bombs from the Israel milit...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Teen killed by Zi-Gistapo sniper posed 'no threat' to soldiers

NOVANEWS A Palestinian medic lifts a youth at a hospital in the West Bank city of Ramallah January 15, 2013. Zio-Nazi authorities have provided no evidence that a Palestinian teenager fatally shot in the back in December by Zio-Nazi forces posed "any threat to life that would justify such a killing," Human Rights Watch said Sunday. Wajih Wajdi al-Ramahi, 15, was shot with live bullets in the back by Zio-Nazi sniper in front of his school on Dec. 7 in al-Jalazun refugee camp near Ramallah. Locals told Ma'an that the area where al-Ramahi was shot had no clashes or any kind of rock-throwing incidents that might have provoked the killing. HRW said that some Palestinian youths had been throwing stones at Zio-Nazi soldiers, but they were over 200 meters away and not at risk of being hit. "T...
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Children killed by I$rahelli soldiers “hiding” near schools, says Human Rights Watch

NOVANEWS Submitted by Ali Abunimah Doctors surround the body of Samir Awad, 16, fatally shot by Israeli soldiers “hiding” near his school as he “tried to run away,” in January 2013. (Issam Rimawi / APA images) At least twice in 2013, Israeli occupation forces ambushed, shot and killed Palestinian children near schools in the occupied West Bank for no apparent reason, Human Rights Watch (HRW) says in a 5 January release. “No evidence has been presented by the Israeli authorities that a 15-year-old boy fatally shot in the back by Israeli soldiers near his school on 9 December 2013 posed any threat to life that would justify such a killing,” HRW states. The boy, Wajih al-Ramahi, was killed in Jalazone refugee camp near Ramallah. It was “inconclusive” whether al-Ramahi “had joined Pa...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank

West Bank convent loses appeal over IsraHell separation barrier route

NOVANEWS Catholic group criticises ruling after seven-year legal battle over barrier that will separate Cremisan nuns from most of their land. Harriet Sherwood, Friday 26 April 2013 Palestinian protesters fix flags on a fence opposite Israel's separation barrier in Beit Jala, in 2010. The barrier is to be extended past a convent. Photograph: Hazem Bader/AFP/Getty Images Israel is expected to press ahead with construction of the vast West Bank barrier around a convent near the Christian town of Beit Jala, following a ruling from a special appeals committee. The route of the barrier will separate a small community of elderly nuns at the Cremisan convent from 75% of their land and from a nearby monastery with which it has close ties. The playground of a nursery an...
Human Rights, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Zio-Nazi forces and Nazi settlers escalate attacks against Qasra village, southeast of Nablus

NOVANEWS The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the escalation of attacks by Israeli forces and settlers against Qasra village, southeast of Nablus. The latest incident involved joint attacks launched by Israeli forces and settlers on Saturday, 23 February 2013, which injured 8 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children. A few days earlier, 6 cars were burnt out or damaged, and Israeli forces destroyed part of the electricity network and dismantled 36 electricity towers in areas that are frequently subjected to attacks by Israeli settlers. PCHR believes that the cover, protection and support provided to settlers by Israeli forces encourages them to commit more systematic crimes against Palestinian civilians. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximatel...
West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Zio-Nazi army blocks aid delivery to West Bank residents

NOVANEWS   Zio-Nazi army blocked a convoy from delivering humanitarian aid to the Palestinian residents of Jordan Valley in northern West Bank, an aid worker said Saturday. The convoy was carrying winter outfits, mattresses, food and toys for about 30 families whose makeshift shelters were destroyed by stormy weather recently, said the aid worker named Nedaa Yousif. Zio-Nazi army gave no clear justification for preventing the 300-member convoy and the goods they were carrying from reaching the area, Yousif said. The Jordan Valley territories make 26 percent of the West Bank and are largely under Zio-Nazi security and administrative control. Nedaa Yousif organized a sit-in at an Zio-Nazi army checkpoint on the way to Jordan Valley, protesting the Nazi measures against the aid convoy. ...
Arabic, Middle East, West Bank

صحف عبرية- السنة التي كانت: من ربيع عربي الى شتاء اسلامي

Posted by: Siba Bizri Arabic Shoah Editor in Chief اصطبغت سنة 2012 كالسنة التي سبقتها بصبغة الربيع العربي، هناك من يقول انه شتاء اسلامي الذي زار منطقتنا. ومن الواضح منذ زمن أن الحديث ليس عن حادثة نقطية بل عن مسار تاريخي كانت نقطة بدئه الثورة في تونس في كانون الاول/ديسمبر 2010 لكن مايزال من غير الممكن ان نرى نهايته. توجد اماكن يمكن الحديث فيها عن 'نهاية البداية' في الزعزعة التي جرت على دول المنطقة. في هذه الاماكن كمصر أو تونس بل ليبيا، انتهى بنجاح النضال لابعاد المستبدين البغيضين وانقضى النظام القديم. لكن توجد اماكن كسورية لا يمكن الحديث فيها حتى عن 'نهاية البداية'، لأن النضال لاسقاط السلطة ما يزال في ذروته وبعيدا عن نهايته. ونقول في النهاية انه توجد اماكن كالممالك العربية، ولا سيما الاردن أو حتى دول الخليج حتى لم يبدأ فيها الربيع العربي، رغم الغليان الذي يتم الشعور به في الشوارع. ان الار...
West Bank

Sewage from West Bank settlement pollutes Palestinian fields

NOVANEWS The kilometer-long overflow from Beitar Illit began because of a malfunction in the ultra-Orthodox town’s main pump and lasted for about 10 days; director of Gush Etzion field school petitioned Beitar Illit mayor to stop the overflow. Haaretz Raw sewage from the ultra-Orthodox town of Beitar Illit in the West Bank overflowed this month and polluted fields cultivated by Palestinian farmers who live in the village of Wadi Fukhin below. Alerted to the issue, a settler from Gush Etzion came to the aid of the Palestinians and petitioned the Beitar Illit mayor to take a stand. The sewage overflow began two weeks ago after a malfunction in the Beitar Illit delivery facility. According to residents of the Palestinian village, the leak continued for about 10 days. The sewage flowed for a...