West Bank

West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

3 Jewish Nazi's arrested for vandalizing Palestinian property

NOVANEWS Young racist Jewish Nazi's apprehended after torching car, spray-painting ‘price tag’ graffiti in Palestinian town ynet The Shai District Police arrested three men in their 20s while they were trying to vandalize Palestinian property in the West Bank village of Samu’a. The suspects appear to have managed to torch a car in the nearby town of ad-Dhahiriya and spray paint graffiti before being apprehended. They were found in possession of flammable materials, pocket knifes, spray paint and a fake M-16 rifle that they evidently used for deterrence purposes. The police have confiscated the equipment and said there is substantial evidence to incriminate the suspects. The police allege the three were responsible for other nationalistically-driven crimes perpetrated in the West Bank rec...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank


NOVANEWS General Assembly GA/EF/3350 ZIO-NAZI ATTACKS TIMED TO COINCIDE WITH OLIVE HARVESTS, SECOND COMMITTEE TOLD DURING DISCUSSION ON ARAB SOVEREIGNTY OVER RESOURCES IN OCCUPIED LANDS.   There had been deliberate increases in Israeli attacks on Palestinian farmers during the olive-harvesting season, with some 8,000 trees uprooted, burned or destroyed this year alone, the Observer for Palestine told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today as it took up the question of permanent sovereignty of Arab peoples under occupation over their natural resources.Pointing out that olive cultivation and the associated olive oil industry accounted for 14 per cent of the Occupied Palestinian Territory’s gross domestic product, he said they supported nearly 100,000 families. Fu...
West Bank

Video, A Protest Dance VS. IsraHell Soldiers and Colonists

NOVANEWS فلسطيني لا يحمل شهادة ولا يتحدث اللغات الأجنبية يريد الدراسة في جامعة هنجارية اتحاد عمال فلسطين ألمانيا في بيان شديد اللهجة حول تصریحات محمود عباس الأخيرة From International Solidarity Movement (ISM) – Over 100 Palestinians together with international solidarity activists gathered in Hebron this Saturday to protest against the closure of Al-Shuhada Street. As a response to the infamous YouTube video of soldiers dancing near the illegal settlement of Tel-Rumeida, some protesters staged a dance protest: three dancers took the role of soldiers and searched and “arrested” three Palestinians.They performed in front of the gate that closes off Al-Shuhada Street and prohibits all Palestinians from using it. The demonstrators called for justice and the opening of Al-Shuhada Street, a...
West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

IsraHell Knesset Speaker Urges to Annex the West Bank

NOVANEWS By Tov Roy NAZIFACATION OF THE OCCUPIED WEST BANK BY ZIO-NAZI JEWS He is the Speaker of the Knesset, enjoying its best seat. Nobody blocks his view up there. He is the first one to get the tea in the morning and always, always gets freshly baked cookies; the stale ones go to the opposition. He even gets daily personal updates from the chefs, those indefatigable conspirators. He is such an eminent figure, that if the President of the State doesn’t feel good, he replaces him.A former lawyer of the Warring Family, he is nowadays a proud member of the Likud. Reuven Rivlin is his name. On October 30, 2012, he met with the leaders of the settlers, among themGershon Mesika, Head of the Shomron Regional Council.During the encounter, which included a tour through prominent settleme...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank

The Popular Committees accuse Fayyad of normalizing

NOVANEWS By: Zeeshan Secretary-general of the Palestinian popular committees against the wall and settlements, Azmi al-Shyoukhi, accused head of Ramallah government Salam Fayyad of "deliberately causing differences and divisions" within the committees and dragging them toward normalization with the occupation under the banner of the Popular Resistance."The government deliberately interferes in the affairs of popular factors to create divisions, especially in areas that are subjected to constant attacks by the occupation," Shyoukhi told Quds Press. He said that the adoption of the Ramallah government of some pro-normalization opportunists elements of the Popular Resistance is causing destruction of the movement.Dozens of Palestinian popular committees coordinato...
West Bank

Ab-A$$ Zionist puppets Arrest Dozens of Hamas Members in the West Bank

NOVANEWS Palestinian Security Services Arrest Dozens of Hamas Members in the West Bank The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the wide-scale campaign of arrests waged by Palestinian security services in the West Bank, which targeted dozens of members of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the past 24 hours.  PCHR calls upon the Palestinian government in Ramallah to fully comply with the law and stop political arrests. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, the Preventive Security Service (PSS) and the General Intelligence Service (GIS) have arrested 71 members of Hamas.  According to PCHR’s field workers in the West Bank, these detainees were first summoned by phone to the headquarters of the 2 services, where they were then arrested, and/or were arrested fr...
Human Rights, West Bank


PA’s apparatuses arrest 2 Hamas supporters and extend the arrest of administrative detainee BY OCCUPIEDPALESTINE The Palestinian Zionist puppets apparatus arrested a leader in Hamas Movement in Tulkarm and a liberated prisoners in Nablus, and extended the detention of a political prisoner in Ramallah. Zionist puppet ' Preventive Security apparatus' arrested in Tulkarem Adnan al-Hosari, one of the prominent leaders in the battle of empty stomachs waged in Zio-Nazi jails and a leader in Hamas Movement, only ten days after his release from Nazi Camp's after serving a whole year in administrative detention. Al-Hosari has been previously held three times in the occupation’s administrative detention. He had been also arrested several times in PAb-A$$ prisons and was severely tortured by interr...
Palestine Affairs, West Bank


NOVANEWS Israel to Raze Homes in West Bank for Collective Punishment The plan, recommended by Israel's Shin Bet, would amount to war crimes by John Glasere Israel is planning to employ a policy of collective punishment by destroying the family homes of two Palestinians convicted of murdering Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved an intelligence recommendation to raze the houses of Hakim and Ajmad Awad, who are now serving life sentences for murdering five Israeli settlers in the West Bank settlement of Itamar in March 2011. Israel officially abandoned the once common practice of punitive demolitions back in 2005 after widespread international condemnation of the illegal practice. But now Israel’s internal security agency, the Shin Bet, recomme...
Gaza, West Bank

Nabi Saleh’s Balloon Release for Gaza

NOVANEWS by Linah Alsaafin My friend Amra Amra informed me that the Chicago Movement for Palestinian Rights were planning on commemorating the third year since the massacre on Gaza, which Israel dubbed as Operation Cast Lead, by releasing balloons with the name of each child killedattached- a total of 344. One of the coordinators asked if we could possibly emulate the same action in Palestine. After some initial planning, we decided to take the balloons to the village of Nabi Saleh, as opposed to Qalandiya checkpoint, which separates the rest of the West Bank from Jerusalem. It was easier to coordinate with the villagers and a lot less hassle, especially on such short notice. Friday morning came. Along with a handful of other friends/activists, we got the balloons and manage...
West Bank

Israel must annex West Bank settlements, right-wing MKs tell Netanyahu

In letter to premier, leaders of several Knesset factions say Israel must retaliate against the Palestinians' 'unilateral' statehood bid at the UN, or risk losing its deterrence. Israel should legally annex West Bank settlements in response to the Palestinians' recent bid for recognition in the United Nations, the leaders of several right-wing Knesset factions said in a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday. The letter was signed by Likud chairman Ze'ev Elkin, Shas chairman Avraham Michaeli, Habayit Hayehudi chairman Uri Orbach, and the leader of the National Union faction Yaakov Katz. In the missive, the right-wing MKs urged the prime minister to sanction the Palestinian Authority for what they called a "unilateral" move in the UN, saying that Israel had to make it c...