NOVANEWS Jackson Diehl in Washington Post: Obama is poisonous, vindictive and ideological… Noah Pollak in Commentary echoes Diehl. And Zionist’s leading newspaper (Aluf Benn in Haaretz): The prime minister leaves America disgraced, isolated, and altogether weaker than when he came…Netanyahu was tempted to bask in the warm welcome he received at the AIPAC conference, at which he gave his emotional address on Jerusalem…. His arrogant tone underscored the fact that Netanyahu believed that on the strength of his AIPAC speech, he could call the next few steps of the diplomatic dance. But then calamity struck.


NOVANEWS I was trained as a newsperson, and I woke up today realizing that the greatest story in the world is happening right now in Israel and Palestine. It is an amazing story, and if you are invested in Zionism, you’re bound to miss the news because yes, Zionism is being openly undermined by its actions as Communism was in the 70s-80s. When will the American press begin to cover this astonishing story? Hasn’t the Netanyahu contretemps opened the floodgates on the New Israeli reality? Remember that in the Washington Post, Dana Milbank and Richard Cohen have both lately stated angrily that Israel is not practicing apartheid. Now read what an Israeli, Noam Sheizaf, says below, and you must ask yourself: Are Americans being well served by journalists for the most important Washington newspa...


NOVANEWS The crisis between Israel and the U.S. turned into an unprecedented confrontation when Obama laid it all on the table and asked the Prime Minister, “How far are you willing to go when the negotiations reach the final stage?” Netanyahu did not respond. Ma’ariv (Hebrew), March 25 Despite radiating optimism and claiming that the Israelis and Americans have found the “golden path” to compromise, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu may be further away from achieving an understanding with the Americans than he was when the latest round of talks began. Ma’ariv, quoting unnamed White House sources, reports that no solution was found to the disagreement on settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. According to Ma’ariv, the deteriorating level of trust between the Americans a...


NOVANEWS Zio-Nazi soldiers detained a thirteen-year-old girl from her home in the Old City of Hebron on Tuesday the 23rd of March. At about 5:45 PM, CPTers followed four soldiers as they entered the girl’s home and ordered the entire family to the roof. Once on the roof, a fifth Zionist soldier from a permanent post on a neighboring illegal settler home ordered the family’s three teenage daughters to one side of the roof. The soldier singled out the thirteen-year-old and accused her of throwing a stone. The girl’s mother protested saying that minutes before she had notified this soldier of settlers throwing stones at her as she hung her laundry and that he had seen settlers throwing stones. She was dumbfounded that the soldier’s response was to call another unit of soldiers to detain h...


NOVANEWS The Jerusalem Center for Social and Economic Rights (JCCER) reported that on Wednesday the Israeli police handed a Palestinian family from East Jerusalem an order to pay 13.000 NIS for the expenses of their expulsion from their home. Forced To Live In The Street - Members of Majed Hannoun family, from Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, were forced out of their home last year and were replaced by fundamentalist Jewish settlers. But now, the settler-run Jerusalem Municipality is asking the family to pay 13.000 NIS for the expense of the workers who removed them from their homes, and for equipment the municipality used during the evacuation. The Research and Documentation Unit at the JCCER reported that two other families who were als...


NOVANEWS Didi Remez In May 2007, the current head of Israel's internal security agency, the General Security Service (GSS aka Shabak and Shin Bet), Yuval Diskin, unilaterally revolutionized his agency's mandate. Disken was responding to a request by Adalah to clarify the scope of the GSS's authority to investigate Israeli citizens, Haaretz reported: The Shin Bet security service believes it is within its charter to carry out surveillance operations, such as phone taps, on individuals deemed as "conducting subversive activity against the Jewish identity of the state," even if their actions are not in violation of the law. The announcement was made a month before the 40th anniversary of 1967 war, the moment when Israel became a border-less country embroiled in a never ending internal securi...


NOVANEWS Noam Sheizaf Two international activists, Ariadna Jove Marti (Spain) and Bridgette Chappell (Australia), who are living in Bir Zeit in the West Bank (it’s near Ramallah, and well within the Palestinian Autonomy), were arrested by the IDF last month. The two were about to be expelled from Israel, and as it happens in most cases, they appealed against the decision to the Israel Supreme Court. As Chaim Levinson reports in Haaretz, while trying to defend the arrests and deportation, the state argued before the court that the two activists belong to the International Solidarity Movement, an organization “that supports an ideology that is anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian and universally revolutionary.” There are two precedents here, and I can’t overstate their importance: A. The main charg...


NOVANEWS By Zaheerul Hassan Opinion-Maker India and Saudi Arabia has signed extradition treaty and number of other pacts to enhance cooperation in various sectors, like economy, energy and defence in recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to India. According to the Hindu media, leaders of both the countries also emphasized for long-term strategic relations between two states. It is also a known fact that Saudi Arabian king in one to one meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has shown concern over the regional and global adverse security environment and urged him to resolve bilateral issues with Pakistan. India never liked Saudi interference on occupied Kashmir issue and always tried to tone down the conflicts in negotiations with Saudi leadership. Indo-Israel gr...


NOVANEWS Dear All, Passover is the holiday of Jewish liberation. We remember our own slavery, and we have an opportunity to reconnect with the oppression of others. On Passover, or Pesach, as we sit down at the Seder Table with friends and family, we ask ourselves once again, Why is this night different from all other nights? The Passover Seder is the night of questions. When I was a teenager, I used to participate in a Seder night with so many questions that we often did not start eating until close to midnight. As I've grown older, some of the questions I have started formulating have become more urgent, more connected to the difficult realities in Israel and Palestine. These questions have been critical even if they may have been uncomfortable. We owe it to ourselves to ask. This year, ...


NOVANEWS Trouble in paradise: Britain has expelled Mossad’s most senior official in London after concluding there was compelling evidence that UK passports used by a hit squad in Dubai were cloned by Israel. The Independent has learnt that the documents were cloned at Ben Gurion airport, and officials then made follow-up calls to check surreptitiously that the travel plans of those whose identities had been stolen would not interfere with the assassination. “Such misuse of British passports is intolerable,” the Foreign Secretary David Miliband told Parliament. “The fact that this was done by a country which is a friend, with significant diplomatic, cultural, business and personal ties to the UK, only adds insult to injury.” In an unusual move last night, the Foreign Office also updated its...