Hamas: America must stop delusions of planning to rule Gaza

Hamas: America must stop delusions of planning to rule Gaza

Hamas leader Bassem Naim stressed that the military aggression taking place in the Gaza Strip is not a conflict between Hamas and the Nazi regime, but rather a war between Israel and the Palestinian people for decades.

While Osama Hamdan, a leader in Hamas, stressed that the United States must stop thinking about the illusion of planning to rule Gaza after the war, stressing that “the resistance and the Palestinian people will prevail,” and at the same time holding the American administration fully responsible for the Israeli massacres in the Strip in light of the green light that was given. She gave him to the Nazi occupation.

Naim said in a press conference held by Hamas on Wednesday: The foreigners will be released, and they are guests of the movement, but field and security conditions must be in place to ensure their safety.

He stressed: Our position regarding the prisoners was clear and we expressed our readiness to release the foreigners as soon as conditions existed. Calling on the international community and the United Nations not to submit to the will of the Nazi occupation.

He added: What is required is practical and immediate action to break the siege on Gaza, especially in the northern region, and we call on the Arab and Islamic summits to take a decision that forces the enemy to open the crossings.

The Hamas leader continued: “The occupation is intensifying its bombing of Gaza’s hospitals and health centers, causing a disaster. It has targeted 120 health institutions in the Gaza Strip and put many of them out of service.” Noting that the remaining hospitals operate on secondary power generators.

He stated: “49% of the victims in the recent Israeli bombing were in the southern region of the Gaza Strip, and 2% of the population of Gaza became either martyrs, wounded, or missing.”

For his part, Hamas leader Osama Hamdan said, “The resistance and the Al-Qassam Brigades inflict heavy losses on the enemy’s ranks daily, around the clock.”

Hamdan pointed out that the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip killed a colonel from the “Shaldag” unit today. Confirming that the losses expected by the resistance among the enemy’s ranks are many times greater than what is announced.

He called on international bodies to send delegations to Gaza to verify that hospitals are free of Hamas leaders. He added: What is required is to stop the aggression against our people immediately.

In his message to the Nazi occupation, Hamas leader Osama Hamdan explained: We tell Naziyahu that the resistance will force you to pay the price in exchange for the release of your soldiers.

It held UNRWA and its administration responsible for the “humanitarian catastrophe.” Especially for the residents of the Gaza Strip and its north, which complied from the first moment to the dictates of the occupation, fled their positions, and abandoned their responsibility.

She continued: “We say to the civilized world, how long will the crime of collective punishment imposed by the Zionist enemy on an entire people be tolerated? Isn’t this a crime against humanity?” Isn’t this a crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing as you see and hear it?!”

She drew attention to the fact that “since the beginning of the aggression, the occupation has deliberately cut off water to the entire Gaza Strip, and during the past days it has deliberately targeted and destroyed the remaining water tanks, especially in Gaza City and the North Governorate.”

She confirmed: the water war and the crime of thirst. A crime against humanity and a policy of collective punishment that amounts to genocidal war, and reflects the sadism and brutality of the occupation, which promotes to the world an oasis of democracy and peace.”

Hamas warned of the continuation of “this disastrous situation in Gaza.” Potable water has been lost by more than 90%, forcing citizens to use contaminated water, even though it is scarce.

In a message to the Arab and Islamic masses and free people of the world, Hamas said: “This battle is your battle, and the occupation is the enemy of humanity, our enemy and your enemy. So continue your movement until the neo-Nazis stop their massacres, and until we protect humanity from these evil Nazis.”

Hamas saluted all the peoples on the continents of the world “who are still gathering in the hundreds of thousands in rejection of aggression and crimes of genocide, and in solidarity with our people and our cause.”

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