Jenin: Nazi Army Kills An Intelligence Officer

Nazi Army Kills An Intelligence Officer In Jenin, Injures Eight Palestinians, And Abducts Six

Nazi soldiers invaded Jenin city, in the northern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank, killed an intelligence officer, injured eight Palestinians, one seriously, and abducted six others.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the Nazi soldiers killed Ashraf Mohammad Amin Ibrahim, 38, after shooting him with two expanding bullets in the chest and the abdomen.

It said one of the bullets exploded in his liver and the second in his chest, especially in the lung, causing fatal wounds.

The slain Palestinian Intelligence officer was also a former political prisoner imprisoned by Israel for ten years in Nazi Camp and was preparing to get married.

The Nazi soldiers also shot eight Palestinians with live fire, including one in critical condition at a hospital in Jenin.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes in several neighborhoods in Jenin and abducted six Palestinians.

Palestinian fighters exchanged fire with the Nazisoldiers who invaded many areas in Jenin, and managed to cause damage to Nazi Armored military vehicle.

On Monday dawn, Nazi soldiers abducted at least thirteen Palestinians, including a father and two of his sons, during massive invasions and violent searches of homes across the Nazi occupied West Bank.

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