Kennedy: An ‘Israeli’ Perspective


What does “Kennedy” stand for?[1] Kennedy is the name of a crypt in the subconscious of each true American, or a ghost nagging the American conscience.[2] It was not just LSD that drove America’s youth mad after 1963. It was a sense of guilt, shame and disgust. “How can we let them get away with executing our President in broad daylight, and then lying to our face everyday as they rule over us?” Kennedy was truly “America’s Last President,” as Monika Wiesak argued in her wonderful book. What has been called America ever since is something else; it is a country built on murder and lie.

Truth can set America free. But love, also. We live in an age when the honor of great men is trampled every day. But great men are the light-fountains of the peoples who love them, wrote Thomas Carlyle in On Heroes. John Kennedy was a hero and a martyr, but there is not even a national Kennedy Day. Shame on America! And shame on the Catholic Church too! Hugh Turley and Dave Martin made the following observation in their book The Martyrdom of Thomas Mertonin reference to Pope Francis’s visit to Washington on in 2015:

Before Pope Francis spoke to the Congress, he visited St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, D.C. and spoke to a gathering of bishops. The pontiff was standing on the very spot in the cathedral where these words are inscribed in the floor, “Here rested the remains of President Kennedy at the Requiem Mass, Nov. 25, 1963, before their removal to Arlington where they lie in expectation of a heavenly resurrection.” Incredibly, the pope stood on that spot and never mentioned John F. Kennedy, America’s only Catholic president [written in 2019, before Biden became president].[3]

Kennedy was a blessing for America, and if we can’t love him more than they hated him, then their hatred has conquered us, and their curse is upon us.

Oh, how they hate the Kennedys! Sometimes they can’t help telling us. We should thank John Podhoretz for that, actually. He is the son of Norman Podhoretz, the man who wanted the U.S.A. to bomb Iran and start World War IV. There is a joke that, when he worked at the Washington Times, people called him “John P. Normanson,” because the paper’s editor, Arnaud de Borchgrave, introduced him around as “John Podhoretz, Norman’s son.” The Podhoretz are people of the lie (the title of Norman’s autobiography, My Love Affair With America, reminds me of Arlen Specter’s Passion for Truth). But sometimes, the truth of their hatred drips through their foaming mouth. Five days after JFK Jr.’s plane plunged into the sea on July 16, 1999, John Podhoretz wrote a piece for the New York Post titled “A conversation in hell.” He was fancying Satan telling JFK Jr.’s grandfather Joe: “Every time you think your family is on its way back to glory, I just have to do something. Like I did this weekend with your grandson John.”

One interesting thing about this piece (which is still on the net, by the way) is that, while saying that the death of JFK’s son was a price for the anti-Semitism of JFK’s father, Podhoretz omits JFK himself from the equation. It is as if he was dying to say that JFK was killed in retaliation for what his father did to the Jews, but could not say so explicitly, and seized with delight the occasion of John Jr.’s death to say it implicitly. It is one thing to write that John Jr. paid for his grandfather’s enmity to the Jews, when people believe John Jr. died in an accident; it is an entirely different matter to say so about JFK, who was murdered by yet unidentified forces.

People like Podhoretz know that the Goy is too thickheaded to react to the implicit: as long as they don’t write in plain letters, “We killed your little Kennedy,” he will continue to ignore their heavy insinuations. It is a fun little game. Edward Klein, author of The Kennedy Curse, introduced his book with the story of how a holy rabbi named Israel Jacobson, while fleeing the Nazis, “put a curse on Kennedy, damning him and all his male offspring to tragic fates.” In the same playful spirit, Ronald Kessler took the title of his book The Sins of the Father from Exodus 20:5: “I, Yahweh, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” Joe Kennedy’s worst sin, needless to say, was that “he was a documented anti-Semite and an appeaser of Adolf Hitler” who “admired the Nazis.” That is the meaning of “Kennedy” for these people.

After now ten years reading and thinking about the Kennedys, I came to the conviction that the signature of the JFK assassination is the “Umbrella Man,” who, according to his own testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, wanted to “heckle” JFK about his father’s appeasement of Hitler — impersonating Neville Chamberlain’s ghost, so to speak — and, by pure coincidence, happened to do it seconds before JFK received his sentence. The average Goy, if he ever hears about the Umbrella Man, will be too happy to pretend to himself that he can make no sense of it, and agree with Josiah Thompson’s ridiculous quantum physics explanation. But such meaningful synchronicity can only be intentional. It is designed by people who are experts at using symbols to make implicit statements that any Goy will be punished to make explicit. The Goyim are so well trained in the resulting cognitive inhibition that Jewish authors can enjoy telling them that JFK died because of his father’s Nazi sympathies, and then watch them struggling not to understand.

With the same technique Israelis can pretend to honor Kennedy with a memorial in the form of “the stump of a felled tree,” which really symbolizes unequivocally their plan for Kennedy’s posterity and legacy.

I am not saying that JFK’s assassination was only a vengeance against his father. That was just the metaphysical or biblical dimension to it — and they care deeply about it. Kennedy was killed because he categorically refused to let Israel become a nuclear State. It has been now more than 30 years since the deadlock between Kennedy and Ben-Gurion over Dimona was first documented. Kennedy’s death unlocked the situation, because Johnson “saw no Dimona, heard no Dimona, and spoke no Dimona,” as Stephen Green once wrote as early as 1984.[4] Even the Israeli press now brags about it:

All Jews who care deeply about Israel know the story. They wink to each other as one of them suggests that an Israeli Prime Minister should “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a [U.S.] president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice-president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish State obliterate its enemies.” This is what Andrew Adler wrote on January 13, 2012 in The Atlanta Jewish Timeswhich he owned. He was suggesting to Netanyahu to get Obama killed because he failed to do what it took to stop Iran from getting nukes. “Yes, you read… correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.”

Adler’s op-ed raised a wave of mild protests, including by the ADL. But it is interesting to note that in none of them, Adler was blamed for lending implicit support to the theory that Ben-Gurion ordered a hit on Kennedy to replace him by his vice-president. Adler is a smart, proud, educated Jew. Can we doubt that he had this precedent in mind, and that many of his Jewish readers, including his critics, got the allusion? Adler knows, as do his informed readers, that in 1963, Ben-Gurion believed that Kennedy was endangering Israel’s existence by trying to prevent her from making nukes. Seymour Hersh’s book The Samson Option came out more than twenty years before Adler wrote his editorial piece. Israel’s nuclear policy has two sides: nukes for Israel, no nukes for Iran. So what Adler advises Netanyahu to do in 2012, he surely assumes Ben-Gurion did in 1963. Adler also knows, obviously, that the significance of Kennedy’s death lies in the pro-Israel policy of the vice-president that took his place. It is common knowledge among Israelis that “Israel has had no better friend” than Lyndon Johnson.

An article in the 5 Towns Jewish Times, running under the title “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson?” and taken up by Arizona Jewish Life, even suggested that, if “President Johnson firmly pointed American policy in a pro-Israel direction,” it was because he was a crypto-Jew: “both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. … The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.”[5]

Isn’t it interesting how candid the Israeli and Jewish media are about the whole matter? It is precious to see them brag how Jewish was the whole context of John Kennedy’s assassination. One of my favorites is Steve North’s piece for The Forward, informing Jews that Jack Ruby “Came From Strong Jewish Background.”

North also authored a piece for the Times of Israel, reporting that Ruby shot Oswald “to show that Jews had guts.” To make sure Israelis don’t miss the point, he wears the story to the limit:

Yes, they really overdo it, sometimes:

Do you catch? Oswald was almost an Israeli, Ruby was strongly Jewish, and Johnson was Israel’s best friend. So Kennedy’s assassination is really a Jewish story — why bother otherwise? The Jewish Press doesn’t really need to tell their readers that Abraham Zapruder — the man who kept filming without a flinch when shots cracked behind him and Kennedy’s head exploded before him — is Jewish. But they do anyway:

And now comes a new Jewish piece in the puzzle. Ron Kampeas, who wrote the “Johnson no better friend” piece, recently informed readers of The Times of Israel that, “New JFK documents reveal assassin’s CIA monitor was Jewish spy Reuben Efron”:

The story was broken by Jefferson Morley in his JFK Facts blog and then taken up by the New York Times, in which we read:

According to an unredacted copy of the memo released recently by the government, the official who intercepted Oswald’s mail for the C.I.A. in the months before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated was named Reuben Efron.

… Curiously, Efron was previously listed as being in the room when the Warren Commission interviewed Marina Oswald, his Russian-born widow, in February 1964 — the only one present whose title and role were not explained. Mr. Morley suspects Efron was monitoring the commission’s investigation for James Angleton, the legendary C.I.A. official, essentially his “eyes and ears inside the room.”

Morley is the author of a groundbreaking biography of James Jesus Angleton, The Ghost (2017), which documents Angleton’s infatuation with the Mossad. The role of Israeli spy Efron adds grain to his mill.

Efron died on the very day of the 30th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination. As Ron Kampeas reports, his obituary in the Miami Herald said that, “he commuted between Israel and the United States for many years, during which he studied Israeli law and was admitted to the Israeli bar.” While in Israel, “he contributed five articles in the 1970s to the Jewish Bible Quarterly, a World Zionist Organization-affiliated publication based in Jerusalem, that channeled his expertise in espionage.” In one of these articles, he portrayed Rahab, the prostitute who infiltrated the Hebrews into Jericho in the Book of Joshua (chapter 2), as “a prototype of a Mata Hari,” the World War I-era exotic dancer-turned-spy. (My Catholic Bible, on the other hand, tells me that Rahab symbolizes the Church introducing the Jewish God to the Gentiles.)

Efron is a small but not insignificant Jewish piece in the puzzle, to be added to the list I made in my previous Kennedy article. It is remarkable that only the Israeli press deems it worth reporting. Why do they do it? I wonder what game journalists like Ron Kampeas are playing. For example, is the irony of his Haaretz piece titled “John Kennedy: A Martyr Who Worried About the Spread of Nukes” intentional? I don’t know. But I guess that the smartest readers of Haaretz, considering how much Jewishness surrounds the Kennedy assassination, have now figured that Ben-Gurion probably ordered it, while agreeing that the subject is not appropriate for Goyim and should not be discussed openly in English.

How about in Hebrew, then? While researching for their book Dangerous Liaison: the Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship (2003), Andrew and Leslie Cockburn spent some money on translation from Hebrew, and found that some stories differ radically from what the Goyim is told in English. For example, in a book by Israel Lior, they found a first-hand account of a meeting of top brass at the prime minister’s home on June 3, 1967, waiting for Mossad head Meir Amit to return from Washington with Johnson’s green light for an attack on Egypt. Amit arrived at midnight and reported: “I am given to understand that the Americans would bless us if we were to break Nasser in pieces.”[6] If Israelis can be so ingenuous when writing in Hebrew about their lies and crimes in cahoot with Johnson in 1967, then there is a good chance that an extensive project of automatic translation of Hebrew publications on contemporary history would yield some interesting results regarding 1963. As Ronan Bergman has observed during his research for Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations, Israelis who have participated in assassinations — especially against individuals regarded as a threat to Israel’s nuclear hegemony in the Middle East — are often proud of it and willing to talk about it to sympathetic ears in their old age.[7]

In the meantime, we can count on the Israeli and Jewish press to keep us updated about the latest Jewish fingerprint on Dealey Plaza. And we can predict with confidence that, if the full story ever makes it into the mainstream, it will be in Israel first. I suggest something like this:

Laurent Guyénot is the author of the book The Unspoken Kennedy Truthand of the film Israel and the Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers.


[1] The top photo is taken for Dick Russel’s biography, The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth WarriorSkyhorse, 2023.

[2] “Crypt” and “ghost” are psychoanalytical concepts introduced by Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok in The Shell and the Kernel, University of Chicago Press, 1994.

[3] Hugh Turley and Dave Martin, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, McCabe Publishing, 2019 p. 245.

[4] Stephen Green, Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With a Militant Israel, William Morrow & Co., 1984, p. 166.

[5] Morris Smith, “Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson? – an update!!,” 5 Towns Jewish Times, April 11, 2013, no longer on, but accessible via the Wayback Machine on A French version published by Tribune Juive is accessible on

[6] Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison: the Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, Harper Perennial, 1991, p. 145.

[7] Ronen Bergman, Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations, John Murray, 2019, p. xv.

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