Thu 6 Jan 2011
Jewish chronicle


On 29th December, MPACUK made headlines at the Jewish Chronicle. It seems the Ilford team with their recent boycott campaign has caused a slight stir, the Jewish Chronicle even commented that “if activists truly wanted to help the plight of the Palestinians they should work towards encouraging dialogue, not the opposite.” Oooh, touchy! If we don’t make a difference then why take the time and effort to record and publish our actions?

The purpose of this campaign was to raise awareness of boycotting settlement goods as well as educating the Muslim masses on the importance of boycotting Israeli produce. We wanted to raise awareness and educate Muslims and people of morals and ethics to take up this boycott campaign and to stop buying products that are produced in the racist, apartheid state of Israel.

The oranges, melons & herbs have been grown on stolen Palestinian land, the soups and tinned products were made in factories on illegal settlements stolen from the Palestinians.

Most people seem to feel irate that Tesco workers were put out by the campaign which was held for a period of 9 weeks, forgetting the Palestinians who are ‘put out’ every day of their lives living in an open air prison, or living without a loved that has been killed by snipers or F15’s dropping bombs everyday of their lives.

It’s because we care that MPACUK have launched this campaign, to let all stores that sell Israeli goods know that they will be held to account for supporting the terrorist state of Israel. The boycott is not directed at any religious or ethnic group, but rather it is directed at those companies that are supporting the racist occupation of Palestine. The boycott list will testify to this: we are not discriminating between the supporters of Israel. If a Muslim company is caught collaborating with Israel it will be boycotted just as vigorously as any other company.

The JC reports on how we apparently set out to irritate other shoppers, however our aim was merely for Ilford MPACUK activists to visit their local stores, fill up their trolleys with Israeli goods, scan and bag them, and then refuse to buy the products. As you saw in our campaign video last time, we are making customers wait in line, while we demonstrate in stores selling Israeli goods. Yes, we are taking up their time while we speak to the store managers and hold them to account, for helping the apartheid state of Israel; but is the inconvenience we cause to those standing in checkout queues greater than the inconvenience caused to the Palestinians that have to stand at Israeli checkpoints?

The few filmed were made aware of what we were doing but decided not to move. We have every right to demonstrate against injustice! We have every right to speak up. We will not be silenced and we will make a stand against the people who support the injustices of this world! …Every little helps!

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