Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:54 pm    

Post subject: Muslim Traitors


A list of Muslim Traitors was published today in the Guardian. The list is reproduced below. Can you believe that these appeasers are actually telling British Muslims to vote Labour? Talk about uncle Toms or what.

What is more shocking is that some of them such as SALMA YAQOOB actually represent ANTI – Labour parties such as RESPECT. My view is clear. Anyone who votes Labour has the blood of a million dead Muslims on their conscience. No ifs no buts.

Abdi Ismail, East African Society

Ali Alhadithi, Federation of Student Islamic Societies

Ahmed Amir, European Academy for Islamic Studies

Abdurahman Abu Daya, Al Hiwar TV

Abdallah Faliq, Islamic Forum Europe

Abdulmonem Haresha, Muslim Welfare House

Abdul Shaheed, North London Central Mosque

Ahmed Malik, Editor, Muslim Weekly

Ali Khan, Muslim Green Pages

Anas Altikriti, The Cordoba Foundation

Atif Choudry, Zaytoun Trading

Azad Ali, Muslim Community Radio

Belgacem Kahlalech, Algerian League in Britain President

Dilwar Hussain, London Muslim Centre

Dr Abdul Fattah Sa’ad, Al Muntada Al Islami

Dr Abdul Kareem Khaleel, Muslim heritage Centre

Dr Azzam Tamimi, Institute of Islamic Political Thought

Dr Daud Abdullah, An Noor Masjid Acton

Dr Kamal Helbawi, Centre for the Study of Terrorism

Dr Hafiz Al Karmi, Mayfair Mosque

Dr Hashim Charif, Amal Trust

Dr Ismail Jalisi, Muslim Association of Britain London

Dr Jameel Sharif,

Dr Noureddine Miladi, Centre for Arab & Muslim Media Research

Fareed Sabri, Iraqi Communities in London

Fida Alaeddin, IslamExpo

Hashir Farooqi, IMPACT International

Hassan Muinudeen, Dawatul Islam

Imran Hamid, Muslim Health Network

Inayat Bunglawala, Islamic Society of Britain

Ismail Patel, Friends of Al Aqsa

Luqman Ali, Khayaal Theatre Company

M Iqbal Asaria, Afkar Consulting

Majid Azeer, Palestine Return Centre

Mohammad Ali, Islam Channel

Mohamed Basha, Arabic Cultural Community

Mohammad Habib ur Rahman, President Islamic Forum Europe

Mohamad Mounir Rai, Hounslow Jamia & Islamic Centre

Mohammad Kozbar, Lebanese League London

Mohammad Sawlaha, British Muslim Initiative

Mohamed Mumtaz, Crescent Relief

Munier Hagus, The Eritrean Muslim Community Association

Mustafa al Mansur, MOSAIC Foundation

Mohammad Zabadne

Mufti Barkatulla, Islamic Computing Centre in North London

Naja Mohammad, Sri Lank Islamic Forum- UK

Professor Tariq Ramadan, Oxford University / Lokahi Foundation

Ruhul Trafader, 1990 Trust

Riaz Wali, UK Islamic Mission

Riaz Ramzan, the Muslim Directory

Ruqqaya Collector, NUS Black Student

Salma Yaqoob, Vice Chair Respect

Salim Bhorat, Just Peace

Sheikh Haitham Al Haddad, Al Muntada Al Islami

Sheikh Islamil Gangat, Leyton Mosque

Sheikh Sulaiman Ghani, Tooting Mosque

Sir Iqbal Sacranie

Soumaya Ghannoushi, Academic and freelance writer

Tanzeem Wasiti, Muslim Solidarity Committee

Tariq Dhaal, Pakistani Community Centre Brent

Unaiza Malik

Yasmin Qureshi, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate

Zahir Birawi, Palestinian Forum in Britain


  • Yeasin

    Just seen your list of traitors. You guys are such simpletons. Life isnt just black and white. There’s a lot more you can accomplish through political engagement than setting up a facebook page. Many of the names on this list do more for Palestine in a minute than you’ll do in your whole lifetime. Muppet!!

  • Yeasin

    Facebook? I think you’ve completely missed my point which I’m guessing happens a lot with you. I personally know a number of people on this so called list of yours. Many work tirelessly daily to raise money for Palestine and to keep the issue of Palestine alive both within the media and government. If you don’t engage with government how do you expect to influence them. What’s your point in putting this list together and calling these people traitors other than to sully and dirty their names. Calling someone a traitor is serious business. You say “My view is clear. Anyone who votes Labour has the blood of a million dead Muslims on their conscience. No ifs no buts”.
    My view is anyone who doesn’t vote has the blood of a million dead Muslims on their conscience. No ifs no buts. You let yourself and your community down.

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