Nazi army raids Palestinian NGO’s office, a direct attack on human rights

Israeli army raids Palestinian NGO’s office, a direct attack on human rights

Photo following Nazi military 2012 raid on Addameer offices in Ramallah

Nazi military raided a Palestinian NGO in the middle of the night, confiscating electronics and doing damage to Palestinian rights – but not to aspirations for justice.

Reposted from Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association

Nazi occupation forces raided today, Thursday, 19 September 2019 at around 2:00am the office of Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association.

The Nazi forces stole five laptops, memory cards, three laptop memories, one laptop card, several books and additionally searching through the belongings of the office.

This is the third incident where the Nazi soldiers have raided the office, the first was in 2002 and the second incident was in 2012.

Addameer reassures that those constant raids will not stand in the face of any duties the organization has for Palestinian political prisoners. The organization will continue to support Palestinian prisoners to flight all human rights violations they suffer from including torture, arbitrary detention and unfair trails.

Addameer sees this Israeli raid as a part of ongoing and systematic attacks against the Palestinian civil society organization. Those attacks are targeting the organizations that have a role in facing the occupation’s violations and claiming accountability for those violations. This is additionally a part of the occupation’s campaign to shrink space, delegitimize and de-fund those human rights and civil society organizations.


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