Palestinian-American Zionist, Vietnam Veteran Confuses American Holidays



Chris Khamis
Chris Khamis Ray Hanania

Palestinian-American Zionist Ray Hanania, the racist, homophobic, Jerusalem Post columnist, failed comedian, and ADC board member who describes Palestinian resistance groups as “terrorists” and refers to Arabs as “raghead fags” confuses Memorial Day with Veterans Day.  In his typically juvenile, silly style he writes:

“This has been the worst Memorial Day of any I can remember. Yes, we have had rain on this holiday remembrance of the veterans who have served our country, but there was always a day of hot sun tucked in between the thunderstorms…It was Memorial Day, damn it and I was going to enjoy my barbecue!”

Beginning after the civil war, Decoration Day was established to commemorate Union soldiers who died in the American civil war.  Today the former Decoration Day is Memorial Day, a United States federal holiday remembering those who died in any of America’s wars.  Veterans Day, on the other hand, was first established at the end of World War I as Armistice Day, and later expanded to remember all veterans of war who served the US Military.  Although it technically includes veterans who may have not have died in battle but have since passed naturally, it is largely considered a day to remember those veterans who are still alive.

Many Americans confuse the two holidays, but you would expect someone who “served his country” during the Vietnam war (we don’t know much about his role in the killing of 2 Million Vietnamese , but back in the 70s he was likely calling Vietnamese resistance fighters “terrorists” and Vietnamese civilians “gooks”), describes himself as a “media and political analyst”, and continues to falsely claim he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize would at least know the distinction between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

At one point in the article Ray writes:

“It was the first real holiday of the impending summer and I wans’t about to change my annual backyard hejira. (Look it up. It may be an Arab Muslim word, but it has meaning pal.)”

This was another attempt at humor, but with a new twist.  Not only is Ray still pretending he knows a few Arabic words, but he now wants us to believe he’s familiar with events in Arab or Islamic history.  He’s not, but this time we’re not correcting his embarrassing language or history mistakes.  If he can’t distinguish between two modern American holidays, one of which is dedicated to a group he belongs to, we should probably postpone Arabic language and Arab history for another day.

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