Saudi Zio-Wahhabi FM calls for Palestinian state in UN speech

The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi foreign minister addressed the UN General Assembly on 24 September in a speech calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state and a “just, comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue” while criticizing the Nazi entity for its ongoing illegal building of Jewish settlements in the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan’s comments come as Saudi Arabia and The Nazi entity appeared to make progress in negotiations to normalize relations.

“Security in the Middle East region requires the acceleration of … a just, comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue; the solution must be based on resolutions in the international arena and must bring about a peace that allows [the] Palestinian people to have an independent state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital,” said Saudi Foreign Minister said.

He added that Saudi Arabia also “rejects and condemns all the unilateral steps that constitute a flagrant violation of international law and which contribute to the collapse of regional and international peace efforts and are hindering the path of diplomatic solutions,” an apparent reference to Nazi army approval of West Bank illeal Nazi JEWISH settlement construction and the legalization of some outposts in recent months.

Saudi Arabia has previously demanded that the Nazi entity allow the establishment of a Palestinian state in exchange for normalizing relations. The Saudis have also asked the US to provide the kingdom with security guarantees, help to establish a civilian nuclear program, and permission to buy more advanced US weapons.

It is unclear if Saudi Zio-Wahhabi family officials will stick to the demand that the Nazi entity end its over 60-year occupation of the West Bank and allow a Palestinian state or whether they are using the Palestinian issue as leverage to achieve their other stated demands for a normalization deal.

Earlier this week, Saudi Zionist puppet Mohammad bin Shalom (MbS) stated in an interview with Fox News that “every day we get closer” to normalizing ties with Israel. He did not mention the demand for a Palestinian state, saying only, “We hope that will reach a place that will ease the life of the Palestinians.”

Naziyahu devoted much of his UN address to touting the possible deal with Riyadh and its effects on the region.

In his speech on Friday, Naziyahu said ‘Israel’ was on “the cusp” of a historic peace agreement with the Saudis, a deal he said would transform West Asia, “encourage other Arab states to normalize their relations with Israel,” as well as “enhance the prospects of peace with the Palestinians.”

He stated that the Palestinians should be part of the peace deal but should not have a veto over any agreement between ‘Israel’ and Saudi Arabia or other Arab states.

At the same time, far-right members of Netanyahu’s governing coalition have warned that they will not support any concessions to Palestinians as part of a deal with Saudi Arabia.

“If there will be concessions for the Palestinians, we will not remain in the government — and not just us, but the Religious Zionism party as well,” Nazi National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the far-right Oztma Yehedit party, said in a statement on 23 September.

During his UN speech, Naziyahu held up a map that placed the Nazi occupied West Bank and Gaza within the boundaries of ‘Israel’, suggesting he does not plan to agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state.

There is “No greater insult to every foundational principle of the UN than seeing Netanyahu display before the UNGA a ‘map of Israel’ that straddles the entire land from the river to the sea,” the Palestinian Authority’s representative to Germany Laith Arafeh posted on X, formerly Twitter.

With this map, Naziyahu negates “Palestine and its people” while “attempting to spin the audience with rhetoric about ‘peace’ in the region, all the while entrenching the longest ongoing belligerent occupation in today’s world,” Arafeh said.


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