Sudan: The Zionist strategic dream


Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr
The Israeli role in the Sudan….. with documents…. so that the disaster of Syria will not be repeated….. The Zionist strategic dream
Zio-Wahhabi AL-Basher
It must be said that the demands of people in the Sudan are right. Neither the economic situation nor the political recession can continue. But we have learned from the recent experiences of this fragmented, destructive and wounded Arab country, to think beyond our noses a little, to read the truth of what an Arab country is exposed to after an Arab country, in the To Set up the entities, empires and interests of the major powers over our bodies….
That is why I present to you in this study, together with documents, a precise reading of the role of Israel in the
Yes, Southern Sudan was not only separated because its parents wanted it or because there were serious mistakes under the export of the Islamic Revolution LED Hassan dirt to the south or subjecting the south to military force. He also broke up, especially because the Israeli spider has been weaving his network into the African body since the middle of the The first objective was to cordon off President Jamal Abdel Nasser and to suppress the algerian revolution. France has not hesitated to give Israel the keys to the nuclear bomb ever since.
In Documents:
This is first: the lecture of former Israeli security minister avi d on 4 September 2008
• The Sudan, with its resources, its vast area and its population, can become a strong regional state for Egypt, Iraq and Saudi
• The Sudan was a strategic depth of Egypt, which was demonstrated after the 1967 War, where it turned into rules of training and accommodation for the Egyptian Air Force and ground forces, and
• We had to work to weaken the Sudan and to extract the initiative from it to build a strong and unified state, especially as it is necessary to support
• We have produced and escalated the focus of darfur, to prevent the Sudan from finding time to maximize its
• Our Strategy, which has already been translated into the south and in its current war, has succeeded in changing the situation in the Sudan
• The current conflicts in the Sudan will end sooner or later by dividing it into several entities, and all evidence suggests that the south is on its
• A significant and significant amount of our goals in the Sudan have been achieved at least in the south and these goals are now gaining
This is second: the former Dean of Mossad, Moshe,, says in a book entitled “Israel and the Southern Sudan liberation movement” issued by the Diane Center in 2002
Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, ordered the security services to contact and establish relations with the minorities of Iraq and the Sudan.
• Israel has historically established liaison stations in Ethiopia, Kenya, the CONGO AND UGANDA.
• Israel has focused on Israel’s major and major role after the secession of Southern Sudan and the transformation of the south army into a regular army, in particular that its composition and training
• The Israeli impact on the role of this army will be extended to khartoum.
• When the Israeli impact extends to all of the Sudan, the Israeli strategic dream will be achieved in the encirclement of Egypt and the removal of potential future
This is third: Israeli military expert Ron Ben, says in his report in the Israeli newspaper ” Ydyʿwt a ” that ” if a small section of these weapons bombed by Israel in the Sudan in 2009 arrived at the end of In the Gaza Strip, it would have posed a serious threat to Israel and to the Israeli army “.
This fourth, the Israeli African affairs expert, says, ” the relations between Israel and Southern Sudan are not new, and their real history belongs to 1967, when general Joseph to if The Founder of the Southern Sudan movement – on “Israel” at that time is ready to help Tel Aviv to prevent the sudanese army from participating with the Egyptian Army The Israeli Prime Minister, Golda Meir, immediately invited him to visit Tel Aviv and commissioned the occupation army to train his followers, to provide them with the weapons they needed, and the Israeli aid operation was coordinated. ” Southern Sudan with both Kenya and Ethiopia.
This is fifth, Amos,, the former President of the Israeli military intelligence, known as ” Aman :” explaining Israel’s organic role in helping the southern separatist movements, saying, ” we have accomplished in the past four and We have completed many of them, in which those who preceded us, we have done a very great job in the Sudan: we have organized the arms delivery line for the separatist forces, and we have trained many of them, The South and darfur are great networks that are able to continue to work indefinitely, and we are currently honoring the organization of the “people’s movement” there, and we are
This is sixth, the first president of Southern Sudan after the separation of above Mia, he chose Israel as his first foreign
This is seventh bold French Writer Pierre Péan in his book carnages (massacres) says:
” when I was carrying out my investigation of the massacres, I discovered that Africa was very important to Israel, not to say that it was a matter of life or death, and Israel considered the Sudan to be one
This is eighth, immaculate Mohamed Ahmed Al-Sheikh, saying in his article entitled ” Israeli-African relations published in
Africa has become a host of different and diverse Jewish communities, in the North African, we find the Jews Jews who came from Spain and Portugal during the th and th centuries, and in
The Jewish Jews who came to the region during the th century, as well as the Ethiopian Jewish groups, who are the poorest Jews of the world, who have a firm belief that they are the lost tribe of Jewish history Most of the Jewish Jews were transferred to Israel through the Sudan during the mid-s in the largest secret operation, which was called the Moses operation in coordination between the Mossad and the sudanese security service under the
The Original Sudan has borders with nine states, Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, after separation, Southern Sudan has been divided by five states Central And Democratic Republic of the Congo, along with Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. The Sudan is surrounded by states.
Israel is in the majority of these states, especially as it is besieging Egypt, opening up a southern outlet and preparing a large role for it in the red sea, which
According to French Writer Pierre statement, Israel has always thought that khartoum should always be busy with its borders, first in Southern Sudan by encouraging separatist movements in the south. It had held a circular alliance with the sudanese neighbours, in particular Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda, and Uganda had become very important and central to Israel’s strategic map, and the goal was to surround the Sudan and to Since 1956, Israel has begun to encourage the movement movement until 1972, and after the emergence of the Sudan people’s Liberation Army (Spla) LED by John Garang, garang has been supported
This ninth, President of the Sudanese President Ghazi Salah Al-din, says that ” young has received support from the United States and Israel for a long time, and that American Envoy Roger Winter, the executive director of America’s He worked on a project called new Africa. He has a long-term project and he’s behind a lot of our problems, and he’s also one of the most
This tenth, Professor Hassan Enable, writes in an article in the newspaper newspaper: the Jewish community in Ethiopia is one of the largest communities, and there is a firm belief that there is a historic bond between al-Ạlạḥbạsẖ and The Mighty Queen of a and the offspring of the Ethiopian Kings, in their veins, the blood of Zion, and the Jewish community of South Africa, is considered one of the richest and most powerful communities in support of the Zionist It has political influence and an influential economy in South African politics in the era of racial rule and with the democratic governments that ruled the country after the end of the racial rule, and it is worth mentioning here that South Africa is On The International Map, there was a strong relationship between Israel and the government of the white minority, which supported the Hebrew state since its inception on may 15, 1948, where the white minority government The relationship between the racist separation system and the Hebrew state has reached the stage of strategic relations, which culminated in the production of the first Israeli atomic bomb, which was common to the two systems, and has established the nucleus of A racist in South Africa earlier, both the Zionist Leader Haim Wiseman and the head of the apartheid government at the time, Jan Christian..???.
Israel currently maintains diplomatic relations with 46 African states out of the 53 states of the continent, of which 11 are represented by an ambassador and a ambassador, and 33 by non-resident representation, and At the level of a welfare office, one state is also represented at the level of a liaison office, with Israel having 72 embassies, 13 consulates and four special missions worldwide, which means that diplomatic missions Israel in Africa compared to its missions in the world is 48 %, while the proportion of African-Israeli diplomatic relations is compared to the world’s share of 80.%.
In the era of Arab leader Jamal Abdel Nasser, Israel’s relationship with Africa was confined to two states only.
Darfur after south and conspiracy:
The Israeli writer, gal pic, presents in the ” ji post ” a remarkable map of those who participated in the ” Save Darfur ” event.
• ” the coalition organized for the save darfur event, which presented itself as ” an alliance of more than 130 faith and humanitarian organizations ” as well as human rights organizations, came in real and exclusive on the initiative of the I…
• This coalition is composed of diverse political and religious entities and associations from local and national Jewish communities only.
This event was announced in the New York times and in the form of a full page, sponsored by a group of Jewish local bodies, including the centre of the Jewish community in Manhattan, and the United Jewish communities. And the of in New York and the Jewish council of public affairs.
• Major religious organizations, such as the United States Catholic Bishops conference and the National Association of generation (Association), participated in.
We note that the Jewish lobby in America was a key engine in the division of If we go to France, we will find the names of a clear Jewish Israel that has supported darfur, but it has made it through humanitarian endeavours to stop what it describes as the massacres, such as former Foreign Minister Bernard. Some of the French Jewish organizations. Levi found it later in a lot of countries that were invaded by what was called “Arab spring” especially Libya
Sudan’s wealth:
• In The Sudan, 84 million hectares of Agriculture, of about 250 million hectares, are the country’s
• Two thirds of the arable area has not yet been exploited and is almost equal to the area cultivated throughout the Arab world.
• 24 million hectares of pasture
• The Sudan is the sixth world and the first Arab of the animal wealth.
More than 128 million cattle (37 million cows, 38 million goats, 46 million sheep, 3 million camels, 4 million horses, or horses)
• 64 million hectares of forests. Abundant and abundant water sources…
• More than two thirds of sudanese oil was extracted from the south… and most of the Sudan’s
No doubt no one prevents hungry from going out to the street demanding the strength of his day But we have the right to ask the following questions:
• Why the situation in the sudan exploded a few weeks after Israeli leaks confirming the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to khartoum and following his reception in Israel for the first time president idriss déby of Chad, a visit that Netanyahu In History.
* was it required of the Sudan, Prince, and and and to walk the deal of the century after breaking up with Iran Are these conditions transferred through some direct meetings or through Arab states?
• Why the situation exploded less than a week after president al-Bashir visited Damascus in a step that was considered to usher in the return of Arabs to Syria and some said that it

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