Tag: Bethlehem

Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Bethlehem to be Surrounded by Jewish Settlement

NOVANEWS The Israeli occupation government has put forth a plan for a new neighborhood that would expand the settlement of Efrat toward Bethlehem, Haaretz paper reported Tuesday. The paper reported, according to Al Ray, that the government allocated about 1,200 dunams (300 acres) for the plan. The neighborhood is expected to expand the built-up area in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc up to the southern outskirts of the Palestinian city, in a manner that would surround Bethlehem with settlements. Israeli Civil Administration allocated the area to the Housing Ministry at the end of last month, a step that will enable the beginning of the active planning of the neighborhood called Givat Eitam (Eitam Hill). The hill is in Efrat’s area of jurisdiction, but on the eastern side of the separat...
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Banksy hotel opens in Bethlehem, eliciting heated reactions by Palestinians

NOVANEWS   Nazi Jewish infamous separation wall in the illegally occupied West Bank, while cutting off Palestinians from their lands and religious sites, isolating communities, and eroding the livelihood of scores of Palestinians along its route, has become an unlikely breeding ground for tourism. Adjacent to the graffiti-stained separation wall in the city of Bethlehem, which is surrounded by illegal Nazi Jewish settlements, and next door to the Aida refugee camp, elusive UK artist Banksy now welcomes guests to his latest project: the Walled Off Hotel. The wall’s destruction of livelihoods In a message written in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, a plaque posted at the entrance to the hotel-cum-art museum tells its guests not to “choose sides” in the conflict. In describing the separation ...
Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Keep Bethlehem Open And Help Palestinian Christians Stay

NOVANEWS Posted by Tom Compton Victories in the struggle for peace and justice for Palestinians come slowly, but are coming more frequently. We Hold These Truths founder, Chuck Carlson, and Tom Compton discuss the inspiring documentary, Open, Bethlehem, by Palestinian filmmaker, Leila Sansour. and her groundbreaking, Bethlehem passport project designed to put wings to her film. Educating American Christians about the plight of their Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, who are slowly being forced to leave the Holy Land, is vitally important. Palestinian filmmaker, Leila Sansour exposes the walling in of Bethlehem, the birth place of Jesus, in her powerful and moving documentary, Open, Bethlehem. We also talk about a recent, major victory in Boulder, Colorado where...
Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Nazi regime Is Walling Off Bethlehem

NOVANEWS Israel Is Walling Off Bethlehem, The Birth Place of Jesus Posted by Tom Compton   Millions of American Christians are unaware of the plight of the city of Bethlehem and its Palestinian inhabitants in the West Bank of Palestine. The Israeli built separation wall snakes its way around Bethlehem, even cutting off Palestinians from their own land and nearby Jerusalem. This story is courageously told by Palestinian filmmaker, Leila Sansour in her Open, Bethlehem documentary that is part of a campaign to educate her fellow Christians and the world about the stranglehold by Israel that is slowly causing Palestinian Christians to leave the Holy Land because of the hardships imposed by the military occupation. To increase the awareness of what is happening to Bethlehem, a Bethle...