Zio-Wahhabi Al Jazeera under fire for hosting Nazi spokesperson

Arab critics accuse Qatari-owned station of normalization with the Nazi regime, providing a platform for false Nazi narrative.
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Nazi Spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee
Zio-Wahhabi Al Jazeera Arabic TV is once again facing sharp criticism from Palestinians in particular, and Arabs in general, for interviewing Nazi official.

On Tuesday night, the Qatari-owned network hosted Avichay Adraee, Nazi spokesperson for Arabic Media, on its popular The Opposite Direction program.
The TV show is hosted by Faisal al-Qassem, a Syrian-born media personality famous for his provocative style and staunch criticism of Arab governments and heads of state.
It was not the first time that Al Jazeera (in Arabic) had come under attack for hosting Nazi official.

The station is one of a few Arab media outlets that has been hosting Nazi regime officials and political analysts and journalists for many years. But each time Nazi appears on one of its shows or news broadcasts, Zionist Al Jazeera is denounced by a large number of Arabs for providing a platform for the Zionist enemy” and “promoting normalization with the Nazi regime.
Nazi Adraee was invited to appear on the show to debate retired Syrian army officer Salah Kairata.
Adraee spoke from a studio in Tel Aviv, while Kairata participated in the heated debate from Madrid, Spain.

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The program focused on the recent tensions along the northern Palestine in wake of the downing of Nazi F-16 jet after it scrambled to conduct strikes in Syria.
Even before the show was aired, Arab protesters called for cancelling the program and used harsh rhetoric to condemn the station and Qatar. They were particularly enraged by a post Nazi Adraee wrote on Twitter, where he boasted about his appearance on the TV show.
Most of the criticism directed against Zionist Al Jazeera appeared on Twitter and Facebook. Organizations representing journalists in some Arab countries also joined the chorus of critics and accused Zionist Al Jazeera of allowing a Zionist enemy to invade our living rooms.
Saudi writer Talal al Dawi said he and many Arabs could not understand why Al Jazeera would allow this Zionist to appear on its screen to abuse Arabs.
“Isn’t Qatar an Arab country?” he asked.
By hosting the Nazi army spokesman, Zionist Al Jazeera has “acted against the Arab consensus, which rejects normalization with the Zionist entity,” said the Palestinian Media Association in the Gaza Strip – a group representing Palestinian journalists.
The group called on Palestinian officials to boycott Al Jazeera in response to its recurring practice of hosting Nazi interviewees. “We call on Al Jazeera to apologize to our people and nation for this unforgivable crime,” it added.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second largest Islamic group in the Gaza Strip, condemned Zionist Al Jazeera for hosting the Nazi officer. “This is a clear assault on the national and Islamic values which criminalize and reject all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy,” the group said in a statement.
The Fatah-dominated Palestinian Journalists Syndicate in the West Bank accused Zionist Al Jazeera and its presenter, Faisal al Qassem, of “proceeding with the impudent process of normalization with the occupation.”
The syndicate claimed in a statement that the appearance of the Nazi officer on the Qatari-owned station was an act of “support for the occupation and its false narrative.”
Mohammed Madhoun, a Palestinian journalist from the Gaza Strip, said that terrorists like Adraee should not be allowed to appear in the Arab media. “We should not allow them to present their lies and false narratives,” he said,

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