Is New Zealand Shooter's Cartridges Disappear! Fake??

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This is bizarre.  I’ve tried to post this story several times.  First my Vimeo video gets deleted within an hour then the file keeps getting corrupted of the story as if Intel agencies keep changing and deleting it!   Please get this information out EVERYWHERE!   The evil scum have already taken out the Youtube channel this was loaded on! We now have proof that cannot be denied.  At least part of this New Zealand mass shooting was faked and we know this because we have footage showing the cartridges disappear as they are ejected.  They don’t bounce off the sidewalk they’re just gone, like in a video game!  It’s Computer graphics!  The trolls and demons are going crazy over this one!   Alex Jones won’t be covering this proof of disappearing ejecting cartridges, that much is for sure!   That controlled opposition fraud is as fake as Obama’s birth certificate and says Sandy Hook was real when Gene Rosen is confirmed working for FEMA!  Send Alex the link to this story by emailing him at showtips@infowars.com to see if he can be shamed into putting out the info on the disappearing cartridges!   

I’ve watched all the footage and I could never see the brass on the ground in the Mosque but thought maybe the carpet made it hard to see.  However there is footage with him shooting down a sidewalk that is proves the whole thing stinks!   I’m linking to the original video on Youtube also but I promise you that will be down by tomorrow!   Update – The entire youtube channel was terminated!  

Spread this everywhere patriots and tell everybody that even if this event was real that we never give up our guns.  No matter what!   In fact, the more mass shootings, the more guns we buy and the more steadfast we become.  We’re never giving up our guns no matter what the Fake News or traitors in our Congress or State pass.  These people are liars and scum.  Sandy Hook was entirely fake.  Wolfgang Halbig has been talking to the “dead” kids.  It’s all about taking the guns!  

Mosque Massacre Hero Who Tried To Wrestle Gun From Shooter As He Killed Worshippers Is Confirmed Dead As It Is Revealed His Son Also Died In Monstrous Attack

Women System March 16, 2019 5 Comments 0 commentNaeem Rashid has died after he tried to wrestle the gun from the Christchurch shooter, as it’s revealed his son was also a victim of the terror attack. Mr Rashid tried to overpower the gunman – 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant – during a mass shooting at Masjid Al Noor mosque in Christchurch on Friday afternoon.The hero was left badly wounded after he launched himself at the shooter in a bid to protect fellow worshippers.He was rushed to hospital following the attack, but died late on Friday night. 

The mosque massacre hero Naeem Rashid has died after he tried to wrestle the gun from the Christchuch shooter during the Friday afternoon attack

The mosque massacre hero Naeem Rashid has died after he tried to wrestle the gun from the Christchuch shooter during the Friday afternoon attack

Mr Rashid tried to overpower the shooter - identified as 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant - during a mass shooting at Al Noor mosque at Christchurch, which was live-streamed - a second attack also happened at Linwood Masjid mosque

Mr Rashid tried to overpower the shooter – identified as 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant – during a mass shooting at Al Noor mosque at Christchurch, which was live-streamed – a second attack also happened at Linwood Masjid mosque

Mr Rashid was left badly wounded after he launched himself at the shooter in a bid to protect fellow worshippers (pictured, Brenton Tarrant)

Mr Rashid was left badly wounded after he launched himself at the shooter in a bid to protect fellow worshippers (pictured, Brenton Tarrant)

Mr Rashid was quickly rushed to hospital following the Friday afternoon attack, but died later that night (pictured, mourners lay flowers following the terrifying mass shooting)

Mr Rashid was quickly rushed to hospital following the Friday afternoon attack, but died later that night (pictured, mourners lay flowers following the terrifying mass shooting)Mr Rashid was from Abbottabad, a city in Pakistan, where he worked with a private bank before he moved to Christchurch to work as a teacher.In a tragic twist, Mr Rashid’s 21-year-old son, Talha, also lost his life during the mass shooting.  Dr Khursheed Alam confirmed to ARY News that his brother Mr Rashid and nephew Talha had been killed in the attack.Pakistan’s High Commission in Wellington earlier confirmed that four Pakistani men were wounded and five others missing. 

A survivor also told how another man tackled the gunman and stole one of his weapons.Meanwhile eye-witness Syed Mazharuddin said he also saw a second have-a-go-hero at the Linwood Masjid mosque, the second to be attacked.Mr Mazharuddin said he saw the shooter wearing protective gear and firing wildly before a young man attempted to tackle the gunman. ‘He saw an opportunity and pounced and took his gun,’ he told The NZ Herald.The young hero took the gun out of the shooter’s hands and attempted to defend people in the mosque but couldn’t figure out how to use the weapon, he said.’The hero tried to chase and he couldn’t find the trigger in the gun… he ran behind him but there were people waiting for him in the car and he fled,’ Mr Mazharuddin added.  

Mr Mazharuddin said he tried to take cover when he noticed the gunman come in through the main entrance door where 60 to 70 people were praying. He said the gunman then opened fire on elderly people who were praying inside the mosque and he witnessed one of his friends die in the brazen attack after they were shot in the chest and head.  On Saturday Australian-born Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, faced Christchurch District Court charged with one count of murder.He smirked in the dock and then made a white power gesture with his hand. NZ terror attack victim tackled the shooter and stole his shotgunLoaded: 0%Progress: 0%0:02PreviousPlaySkipUnmuteCurrent Time0:02/Duration Time1:57FullscreenSHARE THISMORE VIDEOS

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Syed Mazharuddin (pictured) was praying on Friday at the Linwood Masjid mosque in Christchurch when he heard gunshots right in front of him, then saw a man jump up and seize the attacker's gun

Syed Mazharuddin (pictured) was praying on Friday at the Linwood Masjid mosque in Christchurch when he heard gunshots right in front of him, then saw a man jump up and seize the attacker’s gun

Tarrant (pictured as a child in his late father's arms) used the video and manifesto to outline his racist views before carrying out the massacre, which was the worst mass-shooting in New Zealand's history

Tarrant (pictured as a child in his late father’s arms) used the video and manifesto to outline his racist views before carrying out the massacre, which was the worst mass-shooting in New Zealand’s history

Police Commissioner Mike Bush confirmed on Twitter that the death toll stands at 49, with 42 injured. The Brenton allegedly stormed the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch on the country’s South Island during Friday prayers about 1.30pm, opening fire with a semi-automatic shotgun and a rifle on about 100 defenceless worshippers.The attack was broadcast in horrifying, live video – Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern later confirmed in a press conference five firearms were used in the attack. It followed the publication of a 73-page manifesto in which Tarrant laid out his racist, anti-immigrant views. ‘It is clear that this can now only be described as a terrorist attack,’ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, noting that many of the victims could be migrants or refugees.She pronounced it ‘one of New Zealand’s darkest days.’The attack shocked people across the nation of 5 million people, a country that has relatively loose gun laws but is so peaceful even police officers rarely carry firearms.

Police arrested and charged one man aged 'in his late 20s' with murder. He is expected to face court Saturday. Pictured is an image of Tarrant that was posted to Facebook by a Pakistani hotel-owner, which appears to show Tarrant in the country

Police arrested and charged one man aged ‘in his late 20s’ with murder. He is expected to face court Saturday. Pictured is an image of Tarrant that was posted to Facebook by a Pakistani hotel-owner, which appears to show Tarrant in the country

Witnesses reported hearing 50 shots and police are responding to the incident at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch on the country's South Island. Pictured is a still from a live-stream of the shooting

Witnesses reported hearing 50 shots and police are responding to the incident at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch on the country’s South Island. Pictured is a still from a live-stream of the shooting

A man wearing military fatigues (pictured) was arrested outside Papanui High School

A man wearing military fatigues (pictured) was arrested outside Papanui High School

At least one gunman has opened fire at a mosque in New Zealand , shooting at children and killing dozens of people

At least one gunman has opened fire at a mosque in New Zealand , shooting at children and killing dozens of people

Witnesses reported hearing 50 shots and police are responding to the incident at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch on the country's South Island

Witnesses reported hearing 50 shots and police are responding to the incident at Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch on the country’s South Island

Timeline of terror: How the Christchurch shootings unfolded

Friday March 15, 1.30pm local time (12.30am GMT): Gunman identifying himself as Brenton Tarrant live-streams mass shooting inside the Al Noor Mosque as Friday prayers are underway. The Bangladesh cricket team were on their way to the mosque at the time.Another shooting takes place at a mosque in Linwood, 3.5 miles to the east. 1.40pm: Police respond to reports of shots fired in central Christchurch.

People are urged to stay indoors and report any suspicious behaviour. Shortly afterwards, all schools in the city are placed into lockdown.2.10pm: Police confirm they are attending an ‘evolving situation’ involving an ‘active shooter’3.30pm: Two explosive devices attached to a car are found and disarmed by a bomb squad at Strickland Street, not far from the Al Noor Mosque.4pm: One person confirmed to be in custody.

New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush says there have been ‘multiple fatalities’ at two locations – both mosques. Mosques across New Zealand urged to shut their doors.4.10pm: Prime minister Jacinda Ardern calls it ‘one of New Zealand’s darkest days’.5.30pm: Mr Bush says three men and one woman are in custody. Australian prime minister Scott Morrison confirms one of those arrested is Australian.7.30pm: Ms Ardern says 40 are dead and more than 20 are seriously injured but confirms the offender is in custody National security threat level is lifted from low to high.7.45pm: Britomart train station in central Auckland is evacuated after bags are found unattended.

The bags were deemed not suspicious.9pm: Death toll rises to 49 and Police Commissioner Bush reveals a man in his late 20s has been charged with murder. Police are not looking for any named or identified suspects, he says, but adds that it would be ‘wrong to assume that there is no-one else’.11.50pm: Investigation extends 240 miles to the south where homes are evacuated around a ‘location of interest’ in Dunedin. 

Brendon O’Connell – Mosque Shooter Was Professionally Trained

March 16, 2019

Vimeo took down Brendon’s channel at 12.30 am EST Sunday but it is now on Bitchute

(Video, left, updates us on Brendon O’Connell’s quest for UN refugee status and his focus on Israeli/Russian penetration of US high tech. He also believes white nationalists are playing into the hands of the Illuminati. He says our legislators are uninformed and he urges listeners to lobby them.)

Brenton Tarrant was no amateur gun nut. He displayed complete cold detachment when murdering 39 human beings in the first Mosque. No fear, no heavy breathing, no excitement. Just cool and calm. When driving to the second location he calmly states that if he had got to the Mosque a bit later he would have gotten more women.

On viewing his self-made horror movie, the most glaring “fact” is the “fact” he is no amateur. 

Related-  Video shows two other shooters

by Brendon O’Connell


The guy was clearly trained. No if’s, no buts. He was cool as a cucumber. He has done this before. The way he would reload – step back in the narrow hallway so there was less chance of being jumped as he reloaded.

He is totally confident.

The video is very disturbing, especially the young Muslim woman on the ground in front of the Mosque whimpering “Help me! Help me!” He blew the top of her head off.

You do not handle an AR15, military-style semi-automatic assault rifle like that unless you have trained to clear jams and misfires in the efficient manner he displays. He darts back into cover, out of the expansive prayer hall into a narrow hallway to change magazines – this is not something you do naturally. This is military training. House clearing – to make it harder to be attacked while changing magazines.

It is impossible to obtain an AR15 style assault rifle in Australia. Even a well connected organised crime figure would have trouble and you would immediately risk being on the “police radar” if you tried. So where did he train in their operation, tactics and handling? He was not long in New Zealand. He cannot buy firearms in New Zealand as an Australian citizen. Who brought them for him? Who supplied them? It is legal to own the AR15 he used and semi-automatic shotguns with the appropriate hunting licenses. Some claim his AR15 magazines were illegal 30 round.

In the dock, he looks 5ft 4inches. Muscular. He looks special forces – small and powerful. How they like them. Travelled extensively. Especially in Europe. Claimed he was a simple working class lad – made his money investing in crypto, ie: he’s a drug dealer. Absolutely he is. I knew a guy who worked security in Palestine when Arafat had casinos. He had no military training. He learned on the job. That’s where I think that guy has come from. They claim he was in Pakistan, who knows. I just know what I saw in that video.

He espouses a multitude of this-and-that politics claiming communist then anarchist, then libertarian and now he is not sure BUT he mentioned Mao and he draws from Julius Evola and “Sacred Tradition” which was Hitler’s favourite book and Steve Bannon’s too. Even though drawing from pure National Socialist water wells, the word “Jew” or “Jewish” never leaves his lips. 

He was playing Serbian folk music at one stage which the Chetniks would play as they fought the Croatian fascists.

What a grab bag. I smell Bi Bi Henry. Who benefits? BiBi is about to make his own shooting video in Syria.

Wag The Dog – “Change the story, change the lead, it’s not a new concept.”

Related – Shooter’s Goal was to Discredit Whites, Exacerbate Tension

Video shows two OTHER shooters 

Video of shooting aftermath

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