
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign Holds Vigil In Solidarity With Palestine
Human Rights, Ireland, Palestine Affairs, ZIO-NAZI

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign Holds Vigil In Solidarity With Palestine

November 29, 2021: For IMEMC News, Niall Ó Brolcháin:  A large crowd gathered as the Derry Branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) held a vigil at 6pm in Guildhall Square, Derry, Ireland. The vigil was to celebrate International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Derry’s majestic Guildhall council office was illuminated by a projection of the Palestinian flag onto the front of the building after a successful request was made to Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) by Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People takes place every year on November 29. The United Nations chose this date to mark the shameful day in 1947 when...
Ireland and EU split over ‘Israel’s’ “terrorist” label for rights groups
Europe, Ireland, Palestine Affairs, West Bank, ZIO-NAZI

Ireland and EU split over ‘Israel’s’ “terrorist” label for rights groups

Ali Abunimah  Israeli soldiers stand guard as a bulldozer destroys a Palestinian home in the occupied West Bank village of Jawaya, 3 October. Israel recently designated several groups that document its crimes as “terrorist” organizations. Mamoun WazwazAPA images Irish foreign minister Simon Coveney is publicly criticizing Israel for failing to provide evidence that six well-known Palestinian rights groups are fronts for “terrorism.” Meanwhile, the European Union continues to cover for its friends in Tel Aviv. This indicates a split between Dublin and Brussels over how to handle the matter. “We have asked for, as has the EU, the evidence basis for designating those” nongovernmental organizations, Coveney told The Jerusalem Post during a visit to the apa...
Ireland, United Kingdom


An emerging body of evidence shows that during the decades-long conflict in Northern Ireland, a number of British military, police and security agencies were engaged in a ‘dirty war’ where human rights and the law were jettisoned in covert counter-insurgency strategies. ANNE CADWALLADER A Republican mural in Northern Ireland. (Photo: supplied) Various sources — including declassified government files and official police and parliamentary reports on both sides of the border in Ireland — suggest that collusion between British security forces and loyalist paramilitary groups was systematic and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people. The so-called “Troubles” in Northern Ireland began in the late 1960s. Republican (or nationalist) paramilitary groups — principally the Provisi...
Belfast urges expulsion of Nazi envoys
Ireland, United Kingdom, ZIO-NAZI

Belfast urges expulsion of Nazi envoys

The City Council of Belfast in Northern Ireland has approved a motion calling on the governments of the UK and Ireland to expel Israeli ambassadors over the Nazi occupying regime’s crimes against the Palestinians. The document, passed with votes from left-wing parties, urged Belfast municipality to call on London and Dublin “to expel from office the Nazi ambassadors, with immediate effect.” Speaking at the voting session, Socialist councilor Fiona Ferguson said, “I think the expulsion of ambassadors is a first step – a preliminary step – to greater action, but it’s an incredibly important and symbolic step.” Ferguson, who has tabled the motion, demanded that the UK and Ireland lead by example and answer “the call from Palestinians across the world who have asked for ambas...
Will Ireland Use its Security Council Seat to Challenge ‘Israel’?
Ireland, ZIO-NAZI

Will Ireland Use its Security Council Seat to Challenge ‘Israel’?

DALE SPRUSANSKY Street art in Belfast, Northern Ireland draws a connection between the Irish and Palestinian struggles. Photo taken on July 30, 2014. (BRIAN LAWLESS/PA IMAGES VIA GETTY IMAGES)1111111111 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 2021, pp. 57-58 Waging Peace On Jan. 1, Ireland began its two-year term as a member of the United Nations’ Security Council. Upon being selected to occupy one of the 10 non-permanent seats, the country said three principles would guide its time on the council: building peace, strengthening conflict prevention and ensuring accountability. Comhlámh, a Dublin-based social justice organization, held a webinar on Feb. 3 to assess if and how Ireland will apply these principles to the Israel-Palestine issue. Richard Falk, th...
Cracks in Northern Ireland?

Cracks in Northern Ireland?

BY KENNETH SURIN Photograph Source: David Stanley – CC BY 2.0 “I’d say I’m Northern Irish and British. I’m not Irish. I don’t live in Ireland”.– Zara Ferguson, a navy reservist living in Northern Ireland“I’m very pleased and proud to be in the UK and feel it’s the best way forward. It would have been better if all of Ireland had stayed in the UK”.– Tom Elliott, a former Ulster Unionist leader and MP Northern Ireland (NI) celebrated the centenary of its foundation on Monday. The political situation in NI remains febrile, despite a pause in the rioting. Arlene Foster, the Democratic Unionist party (DUP) leader and Northern Ireland’s first minister, resigned after 6 turbulent years in that position. Foster would probably have been forced out if she had not resi...
New sex education programme published for Catholic primary school children in Ireland
Education, Ireland

New sex education programme published for Catholic primary school children in Ireland

BY: Harry Brent A NEW sex education programme for Catholic primary schools has been released designed to teach children in Ireland about relationships, sexuality and procreation. The programme will be available in all Catholic schools around the country - which accounts for around 90% of them - and will be available to all senior infants. It's understood however that these resources are not a mandatory requirement for any school curriculum, according to the Irish Times. The programme, called 'Flourish', has been developed by the Irish Bishops' Conference for infants up to sixth class. It describes sex and puberty as a "gift from God," and tells chil...
Partition: Bad in Ireland and Palestine, Good in Syria?
Ireland, Palestine Affairs, Syria, ZIO-NAZI

Partition: Bad in Ireland and Palestine, Good in Syria?

Posted by: John Phoenix By Gavin O’Reilly | American Herald Tribune  Ask the question in left-wing circles of what affect partitioning a country along ethno-religious lines at the behest of an imperial power can have and the response will usually be straightforward. In Ireland, following the 1921 surrender agreement between former revolutionaries and the British government, a six-county statelet was formed in the north-east of the country remaining under British rule and with an inbuilt Unionist majority; the pro-British element descended from English and Scottish colonizers, planted in the region by King James in the 17th century in a bid to displace the native Irish population which had provided so much resistance to British occupation. The Nationalist populati...
Ireland and Slavery: Debating the ‘Irish Slaves Myth’
Human Rights, Ireland

Ireland and Slavery: Debating the ‘Irish Slaves Myth’

by BRIAN KELLY Mural of Frederick Douglass, Falls Road, Belfast. Irish people’s history has embraced both a legacy of identification with the oppressed, and in propagation of the Irish Slaves Myths, elements of racism. Photograph byRoss – CC BY-SA 2.0 Over recent months, social media in Ireland and the United States has been saturated with claims and counterclaims about ‘Irish slaves’ and a broader controversy about Irish complicity in the transatlantic slave trade. The timing of the ‘debate’ is far from coincidental: a series of false and malicious assertions that the American far Right have pushed aggressively for more than a decade, embraced with enthusiasm by the most conservative elements in Irish America, have grown wings in the new context opened up by the rise of Black...
Ireland gets the government it didn’t vote for

Ireland gets the government it didn’t vote for

In a desperate bid to stop Sinn Féin from forming a government, the century-old Irish duopoly has been brought to an abrupt end. Ella Rule Sinn Fein party supporters during the Dublin City count on 9 February 2020. In June, four months after the February general election, a coalition was finally able to form the new Irish government. This government is made up of what on the face of it appears to be an incongruous coalition between Ireland’s two traditional parties, Fine Gael (Gaelic Family) and Fianna Fáil (Soldiers of Destiny), and the Green party. Meanwhile, Sinn Féin (We Ourselves), the all-Ireland republican party that won the largest number of first preference votes, was unceremoniously excluded. The results in the general election were as follows: “Ballot...