Human Rights

Human Rights, ZIO-NAZI


NOVANEWS Just a few more, this time from Mazin.  If you don't feel like reading, at least watch the video of Palestinian children confronting Israeli soldiers. They must have felt like absolute idiots, but that didn't stop them from firing tear gas into what appeared to be a quiet village. Dorothy   "Human Rights Newsletter" <>  Young people do what is called 'party hopping': going from one party to another in the same night when the parties are held in parallel time.  You get to meet more people but you have the disadvantage of not spending enough time at one place to really get connected.  We decided this Friday to try a similar thing for the Friday demonstrations in Bethlehem area and hop-visit  Al-Walaja, Al-Ma'sara, and Wad Rahhal. Maybe that was be...
Human Rights, Palestine Affairs

West Bankers Marwan Fararjeh and Ahmad Al-Azeh still in custody following Palm Sunday protest

NOVANEWS US, March 30, 2010 (Pal Telegraph)- As tensions rise between Israel and the United States, with the latter calling for a halt to settlement building on Palestinian territory and the former defiantly refusing, despite the billions of US aid it receives annually, Israel continues its arrogant and high-handed behavior and systematic oppression of Palestinians.  The latest incident occurred on Palm Sunday, when the Israeli Apartheid Forces violently halted a nonviolent protest.   Apartheid forces arrested Palestinians, internationals (including an American), Israeli peace activists, a donkey and a horse.  All of those arrested were charged with so-called incitement, participating in an unauthorized demonstration, entering “Israel” without a permit, and interfering in “police” matters....
Human Rights


NOVANEWS Dear All, Last Sunday, on the 23rd of May, Israeli human rights activist Ezra Nawi began a one-month jail sentence following his July 22, 2007 attempt to stop a military bulldozer from destroying the homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the West Bank. Ben Gurion University Professor Neve Gordon wrote today in The Guardian: This sentence is not a minor matter. The Israeli court has basically decreed that the only legitimate way to oppose the occupation is by standing on the side of the road with some kind of placard. Any form of civil disobedience or direct action, like lying in front of a bulldozer that is building the annexation barrier or demolishing a house, picking olives in a grove or walking Palestinian children to school in an area that has been classified a closed military zon...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS Here in Israel our treatment of Palestinian children has long been guided by the adage “nits breed lice.” Some say it openly, others share that view in silence. Not a month passes in which several Palestinian children are not killed under unclear pretexts that no one understands, until a Swedish journalist tried to guess, and all the big guns were deployed to silence him. For the most part, the Occupation authorities manage to fake the ages of the little victims and to attribute criminal or subversive intentions to them, and when none of that works they excuse themselves like ping-pong players by saying “oops, sorry.” And this time too the IDF killing experts said “perhaps it could have been dealt with differently.” Perhaps, indeed. In reports in the Israeli press the Palestinian ...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS Haaretz: By Amira Hass A Palestinian who was imprisoned for a week says members of the Border Police beat and abused him for hours, then accused him of attacking one of them. Omar A'laa al-Din, 25, of the West Bank village Ma'sara, was released from prison two days ago. On Thursday, 10 days after a run-in with the Border Police, bruises are clearly visible on his back and leg. He has trouble walking and sitting, and his eyesight has been impaired from blows to his head, he says. The IDF Spokesman's Office, for its part, says A'laa al-din tried to attack members of the Border Police during regular inspection work. Advertisement A'laa al-din, who studies English and French at Hebron University, was returning by bus from Bethlehem on ...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS Haaretz By News Agencies The United Nations Human Rights Council passed three resolutions on Wednesday condemning Israel over its policies related to what it called Palestinian and Syrian territories, but the United States voted against them all. A further resolution, calling for a fund to compensate Palestinians who suffered losses during Israel's offensive in Gaza 14 months ago, is expected to be passed on Thursday. One resolution on "grave human rights violations" by Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the Palestinian territories - which was passed by 31 votes to 9, with 7 abstentions in the 47-member Council - demanded that Israel end its occupation of Palestinian land occupied since 1...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS עברית אחרי האנגלית Conscientious Objector Shir Regev in Prison and Updates on Other Objectors - Please distribute widely - Dear Friends, CO Shir Regev CO Shir Regev, 20, from the village of Tuval in the North of Israel, an anarchist and anti-Occupation activist, has began serving his second prison term (10 days) on 24 Mar. Shir chose not to show up at the Induction Base on his intended enlistment date, and was later arrested and sentenced to 20 days in prison on 2 March (at that point he did not yet authorise publicising his case, which is why we are only reporting about it now). He is presently held in Military Prison no. 6 near Athlit. In a statement he has made before going to prison, Shir says: I believe it is my personal duty to refuse and defect from an army whose main purpo...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS And here is Tony Judt, interviewed in LRB by Kristina Bozic, bearing witness to historical truths. Notice his statement that modern European states don’t have political prisoners. AIPAC spent a lot of time talking about Gilad Shalit. Yes: one Israeli prisoner. And there are nearly 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, many of them children arrested for throwing stones against an illegal occupation. Is there anything Europe can do to exert pressure on Israel? Israel wants two things more than anything else in the world. The first is American aid. This it has. As long as it continues to get American aid without conditions it can do stupid things for a very long time, damaging Palestinians and damaging Israel without running any risk. However, the second thing Israel wants is an economic rel...
Human Rights


NOVANEWS The Knesset 'Zionist Parliament' voted yesterday in favor of Zionist Beitenu’s “Nakba Bill”, which authorizes the finance minister to hold funds from institutions or groups who question the nature of Zionist state of 'Israel' as a Jewish and democratic state, or who mark the Palestinian Nakba on Zionist’s 'Independence' Day. The goal of this bill – as stated by MK Alex Miller, who initiated it – is to prevent Palestinians from commemorating the national disaster they suffered in 1948, when most of the Arabs in (then) Palestine were expelled or fled from their homes. The original version of MK Miller’s bill made marking the Nakba a criminal offense, liable to up to three years in prison. Political pressure from Labor forced him to introduce the” softer” version, which was approved ...