Sam Westrop and the Bloodthirsty Jews


Zionist Sam Westrop, head of London-based Jewish think tank the Institute for Middle Eastern Democracies’ in his blog, entitled ‘Peter Jenkins and the Bloodthirsty Jews’ at the IsraHell daily Jerusalem Post (October 24, 2012) called former British diplomat Peter Jenkins, “anti-Semite”, “anti-Israel” and an “apologist” for the Iran’s Islamist regime. He was commenting on Jenkins’ speech at the Warwick University in which he had claimed that both Iran and Hizballah would not dare to attack the Zionist entity knowing Israel’s Talmudic barbaric vengeance.Sam Westrop by invoking the old Christian ‘Blood Libel’ against Jews – has tried to demonize Peter Jenkins.

However, son of Chief Rabbi of Rome, Jewish professor Ariel Toaff (Bar-llan University, IsraHell) in his controversial book, ‘Blood Passover‘, confirmed that some Jewish communities in Europe did have the tradition of kidnapping Christian children to be used as religious sacrifice.Zionist Sam Westrop 24, was born to a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father. His grandmother lived in IsraHell and worked for the Zio-Nazi government. Sam as a teenager, lived on Kibbutz Yiftah, near Kiryat Shmona, which is built on land stolen from the native Palestinian. At the University of York, Sam edited the Freedom House newsletter.In his speech, Peter Jenkins had tried to make the audience understand that even if Iran get hold of some crude type nuclear bombs in the future – Iranian leaders known for their moral and piety will never dare to use them against the Zionist entity which has hundreds of nuclear bombs and is supported by world nuclear powers like the US, France and Britain.There is also of course the risk of Hizballah in Southern Lebanon, who are said to have 40,000 rockets (Jenkins forgot to mention Hizballah’s drones), attacking population centres in IsraHell. But personally, I don’t rate that very high because the Iranian and Hizballah know that these days the IsraHellis don’t practice one eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – they practice ten eyes for an eye and ten teeth for a tooth.

The idea that a just war require a use of force to be proportionate seems to be Christian notion (it’s more Islamic than Christian, if one study European history from an objective source) and not a Jewish notion“. Watch the video below.Last month, the Warwick University Debating Society held its first debate of the new academic year. The topic of the debate was: “This House Would Rather a Nuclear-Armed Iran than War”. The speakers favoring the motion were; Peter Jenkins (Former British Diplomat to the IAEA and the UK’s ex-chief nuclear negotiator) and Dr. Christian Emery (LSE academic specialising in Iranian politics and US-Iranian relations) – while opposing the motion were Zionist JewsJonathan Sacerdoti (Director of public affairs at the Zionist Federation and Director of the Institute for Middle Eastern Democracy) and Davis Lewin (Political Director at the Henry Jackson Society which is a zio-con think tank. He specialises on Iranian issues). In order for the readers to judge whether Peter Jenkins did cross Netanyahu’s “red line” or he was telling the truth – I present below a history lesson (video) on Judaism and Zionism, delivered by Rev. Ted Pike. Enjoy it.

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