


NOVANEWS           If I were a Palestinian   By Akiva Eldar         In a moment of candor, Ehud Barak once said: "If I were a Palestinian of the right age, I would join, at some point, one of the terrorist groups."If I were a Palestinian, of any age, I would declare an all-out war on all terrorist groups and fulfill the demand of the Jews to recognize the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people. Furthermore, as a present on the birthday of the Jewish people, as it completes 61 years of existence, I would announce that I also respect its Declaration of Independence of May 14, 1948. I would do this on the condition that all the state's principles, to the last one, apply to the territories controlled by the Jewish state - to ev...


NOVANEWS I just watched this again and the idea that it is antisemitic is so dishonest it's quite breathtaking that anyone can watch it and make that false allegation whilst keeping a straight face. The smearing of Caryl Churchill isn't a job for the hasbara flock, this is one for the hasbara professionals, seasoned smear merchants. And boy, have they been busy lately. Most of the play dwells more on the legitimate fears of Jews before it moves to Palestine and finally to Gaza and the whole thing takes the form of argument, one parent arguing one thing, the other counter-arguing and yet the the play is accused of portraying Jews as this one thing, or that one thing, or the other one thing. How can that be if Jews are arguing different points? How are Jews portrayed in an unfavourable lig...


NOVANEWS Obama’s Brother Accused of Attempted Sexual Assault of Young British Girl   By Jeff Davis – EURO Ironically, in view of the official adulation with which Obama has recently received in the U.K., the British newspaper News of the World has reported that Barack Obama’s African half brother was recently refused entry into the United Kingdom on the grounds that he attempted a sexual assault against a school girl. The News of the World reports, “American president Barack Obama’s half brother was refused a visa to enter the UK after being accused of an attempted sex attack on a young British girl. The News of the World can reveal that Kenya-based Samson Obama tried to get into Britain on his way to Washington for his family’s big day, the historic inauguration in January. But eagle-ey...


 NOVANEWS Canada Bans British MP For Opposing Gaza & Afghan Wars Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the Zionists and Neocons come up with something yet more incredible. To bar a sitting Member of Parliament from the Commonwealth country of Canada is mind-boggling. Galloway has dared to try to bring a convoy of 100 vehicles with food and water and medical supplies into the people of Gaza. He has dared to advocate keeping British soldiers alive by removing them from a war based entirely on lies and corruption. Who runs Canada? It doesn’t appear to be the Canadian people: A British MP told CBC News on Sunday that it was inappropriate of border officials to ban him from entering Canada based on security grounds and he hopes the immigration minister will intervene. “This is a misuse ...


NOVANEWS I'm following on David's post below. Jonathan Freedland wrote that left rhetoric implies that if Jews refuse to dissociate themselves from Israel, then they are fair game for abuse and attack until they publicly recant. There are a few deep flaws in the arguments leading to this conclusion. First, to be clear, this is not left rhetoric. And it is not Muslim rhetoric. These are wrong and defamatory accusations and Freedland's examples do not build a case against any organization or speaker. Comparing Jack Straw and Galloway is ridiculous. Straw attacked a dress code associated with Islam. Galloway attacked an army committing enormous crimes. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that racist rhetoric exists on the fringe of demonstrations against Israel and that people do act on it. The...
Middle East


NOVANEWS Humanitarian workers and rights activists in Gaza are helping locals put their lives back together after the three-week-long Zio=Nazi offensive. Many aid workers were in the region during the fighting and came under fire along with residents. One such Aid worker is 31-year old Eva Barnett from Canada. "The way the war in Gaza was being portrayed in much of the media was not the real picture,” Barnett said an activist with the International Solidarity movement. ”It was a heartless attack on the people of Gaza, it was not about Hamas.” Barnett came to Gaza both to help the Palestinian people and to tell the world about her experiences there. She met one Palestinian farmer to find out more about how his helper was killed. “You come to this area; it’s 700 meters from the border and p...
United Kingdom


NOVANEWS Ah, those were the days, pre-EU mostly; at least I thought so, when British criminals could hide out in Spain safe in the knowledge that there was no extradition treaty between there and here. Of course then Spain got into the EU and things were supposed to have changed. So how is it then that the Zionist state of ‘Israel’ is closer than ever to getting into the EU and yet its war criminals (suspected that is) can find the safe haven that Britain's ordinary decent criminals can't? But isn't Spain that progressive state where a prosecutor was seeking to have Pinochet extradited from the UK to? Well, yes and presumably under similar or the same legislation, according to yesterday's Ynet (and my previous post): A Spanish court granted a petition by the Palestinian Centre for Human Ri...


NOVANEWS The next session of Congress will include 44 Jewish lawmakers, a new record Potential dual citizens of Israel are now disproportionately represented in our Senate by some 760 percent!: Jews Make Up 8.4 Percent of Incoming 111th Congress vs. Only 1.7 Percent of the Total American Population From White Reference It is well known that American Jews are disproportionately represented in the mass media, the entertainment business, and the financial industry. As recently as December 19th, 2008, Joel Stein, a Jewish columnist for the Los Angeles Times, starkly reaffirmed and orgiastically celebrated their dominance of the entertainment industry in his column. However, a recently-released report by the Pew Forum for Religion and Public Life, which included a breakdown of the faiths and...


NOVANEWS Sen. George Mitchell, owes his Senate career completely to AIPAC, has a perfect Zionist voting record in the U.S. Senate and rammed through the Senate resolution supporting Zionist’s terrorism against the people of Gaza. He is supposed to be the “fair broker ” of a “just and honest” peace between the Zionist  and Palestinians. If the University of Michigan football program played Notre Dame, would they permit all the referees to be the leaders of the Notre Dame fan club? How can we let these Zionist extremists and those completely in the grasp of Zionist extremists control American foreign policy? Obama’s Mideast Zionist Dream Team George Mitchell is the new American envoy now in the Mideast. Who is Mitchell and who are the key players in Obama’s Mideast policy team? First, let’...


NOVANEWS 27-01-2009 Birmingham councillor SALMA YAQOOB has hit out at suggestions that she’s been trying to make capital out of the Gaza crisis.  The accusation was made by the city’s deputy leader Paul Tilsley, in an email leaked to The Stirrer. Tilsely revealed that he had risked a split in the ruling Conservative/Lib Dem alliance by reluctantly backing calls for a protest march during shopping hours on Saturday 17 January. That put him at odds with the Tory cabinet member for Transport Len Gregory. In a stinging pay off he added, “I also wish to make clear that by her actions Selma Yacoob [sic] has sought at every turn to make political capital out of Gaza”. YAQOOB, who heads Birmingham’s Stop The War coalition as well as being a Respect councillor reacted angrily, saying:  “That’s disg...